Smell The Color 9 Lyrics
Just to know I heard You speak
And I'm wonderin' why I've never
Seen the signs they claim to see
Are the special revelations
Meant for everbody but me?
Maybe I don't truly know You
Or maybe I just simply believe
I can count up pretty high
But these faculties aren't getting me
any close to the sky
But my heart of faith keeps poundin'
So I know I'm doin' fine
But sometimes finding You
Is just like trying to
Smell the color nine
But I know You're always near
And I've never 'heard the calling'
But somehow You've lead me right here
So I'm not looking for burning bushes
Or some divine graffiti to appear
I'm just begging You for some wisdom
And believing You're putting some here
But nine's not a color
And even if it were you can't smell a color
That's my point exactly
"What does this song mean to you?"
Can I just say it's the story of my life?
Sometimes, keeping your faith is hard. Once in a while a person wants some kind of message or sign that God is out there watching over you and listening to you.
But if you know that God is transcendent of all Being (meaning you can't "know" God in the way you know your neighbor, Jim; you can't shake His hand or sit and chat with Him) then you understand that faith is really all you've got. After that, you realize that faith is all you really need.
If you possess faith then you possess God.
I feel like this song applies directly to my life as well. Friends tell me awesome stories they have of healings and visions, or promises God has given them for their life. God works in people's lives differently, because people are different and have their own unique characteristics and stories. Then I learn quickly and have lots of random gifts and talents, but it's not these that improve my standing with God, our relationship is deeper and more personal for those things to hold any significance.