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This Is Fucking Tragic Lyrics
We've come to feel so cold
I can't stand waiting
Here in your hand I fold
To keep from breaking
Down turned and wearing thin
I put myself in
Your shoes have left you broken, blistered, bleeding, and bruised
(I thought you loved me)
I'd give you my life
Just to die
At your side
I would give you my life
Just to keep receiving that lost feeling
Salting open wounds
With words you can't help but
Here is my last goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight
I can't stand waiting
Here in your hand I fold
To keep from breaking
Down turned and wearing thin
I put myself in
Your shoes have left you broken, blistered, bleeding, and bruised
I'd give you my life
Just to die
At your side
I would give you my life
Just to keep receiving that lost feeling
With words you can't help but
Here is my last goodnight
Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight

fucking brilliant

isnt it "here in your hands i fall"? just wondering, im not saying im right

I always thought that, but wasn't sure. I shall consult the impossibles lyrics page and find out! ... Just not right now. =)

i am pretty sure fold is right

it is "fold" it rhymes with "cold"
don't believe me?
<a HREF ="http://www.theimpossibles.net/lyrics.html">go here.</A>

this song is about how he is still obsessed her awants to be with her

"This Is Fucking Tragic". Heh, that's exactly what I said when they broke up. They were the bomb.com

"This Is Fucking Tragic". Heh, that's exactly what I said when they broke up. They were the bomb.com

i love this song so much