Afghan Lyrics
Just like the wild wild west
At random choose a target
It's not enough to be second best
The weaker one is always wrong
Yeah now you wanna fight them
A real man's gotta show the world he's strong
It's a part of a leader's role
"We only take what's ours"
A slick line to stay in control
Hate breeds more hate it's easy to understand
To retaliate and to be a true macho man
goes hand in hand
The weaker one is wrong
And I know it won't take long
Until they're dead and gone

good song

i am son of the gun ' THe weaker one'

It means that America is bombing afghan coz they're the stronger ppl, not becasue they are rite

Yeah, I totally agree with Millencolin. I've never heard a so political song by them, it's a positive experience! By the way, it's really true what they wanna say, no one of the Afghan civilian deserved to die by an american hand! Sad what happend at September the 11th, but the world isn't "happy-happy-beauty-flower" like the Americans think. All that "out World Police America is Number one" and this "Proud to be an American"-shit is going on my nerves. You must know, I'm not Anti-USA, but I think this way, besides I also hate to be a German guy... all the politician with their "blah blah blah", but nothing happens.
Well... thats what I think, I hope you don't get it wrong. And always remember: "Hate breeds more hate it's easy to understand"...

just to you know vid freeze not all americans think this "happy-happy-beauty-flower" thing as you say. I know i don't. and im not really all that proud to be an american either. this country is messed up. good old fashioned fascism can take that all away though

right on sis!

fuk u godless dunce, facism my ass

I agree with u vid freeze, totally....I think that millencolin wanted americans to realize that what s happening to them is just what they deserved coz of all those things USA did to arabs countries. I am canadian not american so I see USA from a different angle than americans themselves.

ok u think taking 10000 of lives is ok

yeah, mr. nobody.. 10,000 (innocent Afgainan) lives... its ok to kill them because after all.. they didnt do anything...