The Ghost You Are Lyrics
great song...suprised no one out for this band, they have potential...
This one really hits me. Frigging amazing song. Why can't i find their album anywhere?!
you can find their debut cd at, they're recording a new cd very soon so keep an eye out for it, they are an AMAZING band
The lyrics are totally off... its BLURTS out freely, not FLIRTS. its BARELY a whisper, not BURY... no offense... they got it pretty close. i just love this band to much to let that go unchanged
i <3 park......but someone needs to check the lyrics!!
yeah, i llove this song. tips her hat
Sweet song, I first heard it from a CD Lobster Records sent me when I bought some stuff. the CD was called Epi Mag Compliation Volumn 1. This song rocks
This song is awesome :). I'm guessing it's about a interacial relationship. Good subject.
this song doesn't necessarily have to be about an interracial relationship. i think it's about how 'opposites attract' (black vs. white) and in this case, maybe isn't working out (for some southern reason / i dont see us happening).