19 Meanings
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Ready To Go Lyrics

Ready to go
Ready to go

You're weird, in tears
Too near and too far away
He said saw red
Went home, stayed in bed all day

Your t-shirt's dish dirt
Always love the one you hurt

It's a crack, I'm back
Yeah standing on the rooftops
Shouting out:
"Baby, I'm ready to go
I'm back and ready to go,"
From the rooftops, shout it out

It's a crack, I'm back
Yeah, standing on the rooftops having it
Baby, I'm ready to go
I'm back and ready to go
From the rooftops, shout it out
Shout it out

You sleep, too deep
One week is another world
Big mouth drop out
You get what you deserve

You're strange, insane
One thing you can never change

It's a crack, I'm back
Yeah standing on the rooftops
Shouting out:
"Baby, I'm ready to go
I'm back and ready to go,"
From the rooftops, shout it out

It's a crack, I'm back
Yeah, standing on the rooftops having it
Baby I'm ready to go
I'm back and ready to go
From the rooftops, shout it out
Shout it out

Ready to go...

Abused, confused
Always love the one you hurt

It's a crack, I'm back
Yeah, standing on the rooftops
Shouting out:
"Baby, I'm ready to go
I'm back and ready to go,"
From the rooftops, shout it out

It's a crack, I'm back
Yeah, standing on the rooftops having it
Baby, I'm ready to go
I'm back and ready to go
From the rooftops, shout it out
Shout it out

It's a crack
Baby, I'm ready to go

Baby, I'm ready to go
Baby, I'm ready to go
Baby, I'm ready to go
Baby, I'm ready to go
Baby, I'm ready to go
Baby, I'm ready to go
Baby, I'm ready to go
Baby, I'm ready to go
Song Info
Submitted by
ice On May 18, 2001
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

this song is a lot of fun

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

What eva happened 2 republica?

@infest4eva Ever heard of Wikipedia?

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

Love this song. Very Garbage. Very simplistic, (some would say repetitive...who are we kidding, it is, but what it's repeating is so damn good lol) and just plain kicks ass. Tends to pop up occasionally, think I saw it in a few commercials and trailers for movies, but never got much recognition. All-around great song.

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

great song but this site is songmeanings.com...

what does "it's a crack" mean?

what's this song about?

anyway, some great lines

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

I think this song is, first of all, a song with a focus on MUSIC and a bright inspiring atmosphere, not on lyrics (which is GOOD IMO, music's primary element have to be MUSIC ITSELF! lyrics are secondary, they don't even have to exist. Does anybody agree with me on this?) At least it used to be like that back then when people made music out of inspiration and love for music, not out of the desire to get famous, get loads of money, have 15 same cars just for the darn of it(while people around them are starving to death), whores around those cars, drugs and overall disgusting, snobbish, debaucherous life...

Hence I don't think there is any SPECIFIC meaning to this song, I think its simply made to be inspiring and inspire people whenever they are READY TO GO anywhere, or ready to do anything, like preparing for a trip, some sports activity, contest, whatever.

And at the end of the day I really think that music is all about that. Happy and energetic songs should simply awake something in you, inspire and motivate you...making you simply happy and READY TO GO! :)

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

This is about the push and pull of a bad relationship. A manic depressive or bi-polar: emotional and drained of energy, (staying in bed and sleeping when depressed) then back and "ready to go" versus an unapologetic narcissist who constantly gaslights the other as abuse: "you're weird" "you're strange, insane" It's a rollercoaster ride from hell.

@ex-op You nailed it.

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

me and my best gfriend were totally loony back in elementary school (we were the first punks, aged 13 btw=o]) and sometimes we'd go on the school yard shouting this song out =oP

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

This song completly reminds me of my childhood years and I'm not sure why. I guess its sort of a good song for when your about to end something and start something new which is why I kind of associate it both with my primary school finish as it was out around then and also for my high school finish because.

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

This song gets me so amped...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH...Its been on every workout soundtrack I've ever made since 1998. It just makes me want to go for a run.

Cover art for Ready To Go lyrics by Republica

I think Republica and Elastica are like the same thing.. hmm. But obviously Elastica are better.. and made loads more songs.. like 3 times as many.. and both Republica and Elastica sing this song. And this song is incredibly catchyyyy! It has such a strong rhythm!!.. Or am i the only one that feels the beat in this song..? Well anyhoo, GREAT song!