In Memory Lyrics
Friendship was a few years to come
But I knew who you were. I knew what you stood for
That much we had in common, but you had so much more
And I saw a joy in you I did not see in me
You were a light for all to see
A friend I didn't have to make
Those long drives home to Santa Cruz. I grew so close to you,
Friends from then on through life. Such a short length of time
Left here with thoughts of you that still inspire me
To be a light for all to see
The one that made us be, the one you served, the one that your light helped us all to see

Pretty up front. I am taking it literal. He met a girl when he was young, and didn't think much about her except that she had a joy that he did not have. Now the next part I am not sure of, either he left the location that she was in or the girl died. In either case, they separated leaving him inspired to be a "light" in the world.

I think she died. The song name 'In Memory', you know. It kinda makes sense.,

Yeah she definatley died. He talks about meeting her in heaven "one day we will be together in our final goal in the presence of He" and he says "You're life WAS...", I'm pretty sure she is dead, and now he is trying to live his life like hers.

Yeah, in the booklet that come with the cd, it says in memory of someone and then the born - died dates, it sounds like someone either adam or andy knew in college

how do you know he's talking about a girl?

in the booklet it says it was a girl, i forgot her name