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Ticks and Leeches Lyrics

Suck and suck.
Suckin' up all you can suckin' up all you can suck.
Workin' up under my patience like a little tick.
Fat little parasite.
Suck me dry.
My blood is bruised and borrowed.
You thieving bastards.
You have turned my blood cold and bitter,
Beat my compassion black and blue.

Hope this is what you wanted.
Hope this is what you had in mind.
Cuz this is what you're getting.
I hope you're choking.
hope you choke on this.
I hope you're choking.
I hope you choke on this.

Taken all I can taken all I can, we can take.
Taken all you can taken you can, we can take.
Got nothing left to give to you.
Blood suckin' parasitic little blood suckin parasitic little
Blood suckin' parasitic little tick
Take what you want and then go.

Suck me dry.

Is this what you wanted?
Is this what you had in mind?
Is this what you wanted?
Cuz this this is what you're getting.
I hope, I hope, I hope you choke.
Song Info
Submitted by
gasmask On May 02, 2001
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140 Meanings

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Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

Just like it sounds...people who suck you dry and live off of you are nothing ore than bloodsucking ticks and leeches. Pretty straightforward

My Interpretation
Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

ahhh Ticks and Leeches, the song about the liers cheaters and stealers in life. Ticks and Leeches is in my opinion the ultimate song about the freeriders. he talks about people who do nothing but leech off the strong, and as a result the strong become weak. those people who will stop at nothing to get what theywant, even if it means destroying those they love. I know people like this, and im sure you all do to. I dedicate this song to those and those people and i hope you choke on all that you take from us(as maynard implies)

Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

I feel like this is a sarcastic way to compare civilization with parasites. Sucking our resources dry. It's written this way to show you how would you feel if a tick were sucking your blood dry so you can see what we're doing to the earth.

Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

I think this is about all of the people in this world who can't do anything for themselves. They can't make themselve feel better, think better, or be better. 'Is this what you wanted? Is this what you had in mind?' "There, I gave you everything you asked for now get the fuck out!" As far has beating my compassion black and blue is concerned, he is tired of feeling pity and just wants to get on with life.

Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

to me this song has nothing to do with record companies or any of that i think its directed more towards the people and things that tend to be an alternate route for thoughts and energy and maybe even distractions..even though its very vaugue..try interpreting it with the theme of the album instead of just the song inself see what you come up with

I don't know what you mean by that. Thoughts and energy? Yeah I don't get what you're talking about.

@M-Opiate-A Well, here I am replying to your post from 15 years ago and I agree with you. Ive been looking at this album compared to the tree of life and its definitely about the "energy" being consumed by those on this earth.

Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

Ok, just thought I should say what I reckon this songs about, seeing as no-one else has. I think this song is about Tool's experince with record companies....especially their trouble with volcano. If you read the lyrics thinking like this they make sense.

Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

This song is about shitty people, (vampires, ticks and leeches), and their tendency to drain you. "Beat my compassion black and blue..." More, it about how you feel when you have finally run out of patience with the abusers and shitheads in your life; when you decide that you must cut them loose and move on to other things.

Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

Lmao, disaster.

I think all of the interperatations up there fit. pick and choose, yo

Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

Maybe its about critics. Or just about anyone who is judgemental. And now TOOL is saying here .... Eat Shit and Die

Cover art for Ticks and Leeches lyrics by Tool

Its about being taken advantage of