81 Meanings
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School Lyrics

Won't you believe it?
It's just my luck
Won't you believe it?
It's just my luck
Won't you believe it?
It's just my luck
Won't you believe it?
It's just my luck

No recess
No recess
No recess

Won't you believe it?
It's just my luck
Won't you believe it?
It's just my luck
Won't you believe it?
It's just my luck
Won't you believe it?
It's just my luck

No recess
No recess
No recess

You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again
You're in high school again

No recess
No recess
No recess
No recess
No recess
No recess
No recess
Song Info
Lyrics © Bmg Rights Management
Kurt Cobain
Jack Endino, Nirvana
Release date
Submitted by
ahmedar94 On Dec 26, 2001
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81 Meanings

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Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

I remember that Kurt Cobain hated being in school and he quit because of that. And then at some stage he felt like he was in school again, he wrote it into a letter to Dale Crover an old friend of his. He wrote "Fuck, Im in High school again! I want to move back to Aberdeen". That was talking of Olympia, where he had to work as a 'cleaning boy' at some place to make money..... He was with Tracy Marander at that time........ and she also had to work and always left notes with stuff for him to do.

This should be correct looking at what he wrote in that letter. I am not sure what part of living there he thouhght was like highschool though....


Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

it is about how the world falls into the same stupid patterns of high school no matter where you are

Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

For kurt school never really ended , in fact right after he dropped out , he became a janitor at his high school and saw all his classmates where still there . He felt depressed and ashamed by this experince , and when it came for kurt to become part of the grudge scene , it still was school to him , he had to make his music sound like everyone else's . Hence why kurt eventually hated the bleach record in retrospect . School is a place to learn and to socially fit in , kurt new how to learn and play by the rules but hated every second of it , thats what this song defines to me .

Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

It's about how the majority of people live in a cycle of getting screwed over and over again, and whenever a break or relief seems imminent, you find out you are stuck in high school, being pushed around and surrounded by fucking idiots who get off on judging you for stupid shit and not changing anything. There's no recess means there's no relief. Ever. Until you are dead, you will be find yourself surrounded by assholes over and over again. You will try your best, and find it's never enough, no matter what you achieve. You will be consumed.

Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

I think the "Won't you believe it. It's just my luck" and the "You're in high school again" lines are supposed to make the listener think he's talking about being in a social scene, and everything being shallow like high school, where you start as a freshman and get no respect and have to make friends with the right people to move up and all that.

But then he throws "No recess" in, and it kind of just destroys all that meaning. It's like he's complaining about highschool because you don't get recess like you do in grade school. It strings the listener along into thinking there's some deeper meaning and then intentionally kills it. That's how a lot of Nirvana songs seem to be written.

I think the guy who says it's about 9/11 is closer to the mark than anyone else.

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@Clitoroid \r\nLol so some dude thought he predicted 9/11

Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

to me this songs about how much school sucks, ecpically after grade school.

Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

Kurt never fit in at his high school. That's really all this song is about. Read "Heavier Than Heaven" by Charles Cross and you can get the lowdown on just about any Nirvana song.

Or you can get Nirvana: The Meanings Behind The Songs, idk who wrote it though

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or you could just STFU and enjoy the songs.... Kurt would be rolling in his grave with everyone anylizing his songs to death.

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Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

all the jocks liked kurt and wanted to be friends with him becuz all the chearleaders thought he was cute but he terned all them down becuz he rather go hang out with the losers in his highskool and smoke........so kurt really could of fit in but he didnt wanna......i think this is correct it was a quote from kurt i read once....please correct me if im wrong

The jocks hated Kurt, he was often thought to be gay because he hung out with an openly gay dude, and everyone thought he was gay, and he didnt deny it, he actually says "I enjoyed being gay, well fake gay, everyone left me alone, and I didnt have to deal with much, but one day he came onto me (His gay friend) and I told him that I have no problem being his friend, but that Im not gay, and he stopped" The jocks did not like Kurt. This song is just about having shit luck, when you want...

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Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

your really really really really really really raelly really really wrong. and dumb. i think your dumb. maybe your just happy. no, probably just dumb. Yeah, he got picked on at school by the jocks, and he would spraypaint QUEER on their trucks. this song is about his travels to seattle and how everyone there acted like highschool, snubbing you if they didn't think you looked dumb enough. everyone was in their own groups,

Cover art for School lyrics by Nirvana

"You're in High School again" is the correct lyric. It is comparing High School to the Seattle Scene, seeing as the "working title" was The Seattle Scene. It is also compared to Sub Pop.

xthe seattle scene was still infantile in 89'... maybe kurt was a visionary of sorts.

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