A Lull In Traffic Lyrics
I've got plenty, I'm still learning how to lay down my life for them.
Don't want to find yourself alone at thirty-five,
spending half what you make on your car (and hating that drive).
Just crazy, maybe--doesn't mean I'm looking for a cure.
I've got stability that scares you, 'cause it's hard to believe when you're
so sure.
No matter how different you are, you're just like everybody else.
No matter how hard you try and fit in, there is no one like you.
You will find you spend a good deal of your life, sitting at red lights

yah, mineral has more of just like, a holy sound, like they should be playing at church. man if they played at church i'd be there every sunday.

Unnervingly accurate

Deffinetly the best song Gloria Record has made.

you really think so? i always dug this song alot, but since hearing salvation army off of 'start here' i've been hooked.

this is definately a great song, and the new version of this that they play live now is even better....but the best gloria record song is "i was born in omaha"

This is the only song I heard by them. I like it. Mineral sound a little better though.

"No matter how different you are, you're just like everybody else. No matter how hard you try and fit in, there is no one like you." Gives me shivers everytime. But it isn't their best song. Best song award would probably go to "Omaha" or "Salvation Army". Or "... and is it ever?". But maybe Ambulance is their best song. "Cinema Air" isn't that bad either,...

I think "A Bye" takes Mineral's "holy sound" even further so Id say thats my favourite but "A Lull In Traffic" is one of the best in my opinion

this song is so quotable.

This song is about compromising with someone you love.
It's about meeting halfway, and finding a balance, and drifting with that balance.