I Think About Lyrics
How could no one have written yet on this little beauty? I find that staggering ...
While this is a very short set of lyrics, they are amazing and hit home with me personally.
The author (not sure which of them actually wrote it) is sitting around thinking detailed and deep thoughts about the smallest little things ... and then comes to grips with the fact that when he dies, all of his constant thinking and musing will suddenly cease - and that scares him to death.
"watching me, a bird upon a roof with coal-black feathers cocks his head, to catch my eye" "wandering and unfocused i cannot meet his stare, he takes to wing, silhouette against the sun surrounded by the glare"
This is the author trying to express how something as simple as a bird flying away can be quite deep, beautiful and poignant.
The real gem in the lyrics is the second verse ... where he explains how the more a person knows, the more they realize they don't know much at all:
"i believe in so many things, i know that none of them are true" "and my feet, firm upon a pathway i am far too blind to see, leading me"
Great song, one of my favorite Toad tunes.