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Alguien Tiene Que Pagar Lyrics

Así que por fin formo parte de tu negra lista
Ni siquiera te conozco y ya soy tu feroz antagonista
porque soy machista, fascista, autista, egoísta, multicopista,
artista, bromista, dentista, turista, sofista, carlista, corto de vista.

Me preocupa, si no me preocupara no me ocuparía en rimar
lo tontorrón que me pareces
pero te advierto que al final de la canción desapareces,
desapareces, falleces, pereces, feneces, te caes al mar, te comen los peces.

Tú lo que buscas es un gurú, y hallaste un puto juglar
y esas ganas de chillar
esas ganas de chillar
¿sobre qué puedes chillar?
sobre algo tendrás que chillar... pues a mí no me chilles

Todos tus amigos tienen su gurú para no tener que pensar
y se ponen a chillar
y se ponen a chillar
¿cómo no vas a chillar?
Tú también tendrás que chillar a los cuatro vientos

Tu problema no es que estés acojonao, lo terrible es que tú no lo sabes
y alguien tiene que pagar
alguien tiene que pagar
se la tienes jurada,
enemigos, ¿dónde hay enemigos?
¡Que te cargas los odres, Don Quijote!
Te estás cargando los odres

Así que profané tu entorno correcto, así que lo contaminé
Si yo no soy de tu equipo
yo no soy de tu equipo,
nunca fui de tu equipo,
si yo odio a todos los bandos.
¡que nunca estuve en tu casa!
¡que yo no le di al botón de "play"!

¡Yo no le di al botón de "play"!
¡Yo no le di al botón de "play"!
¡Yo no le di al botón de "play"!
¡Yo no le di al botón de "play"!
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Cover art for Alguien Tiene Que Pagar lyrics by Mamá Ladilla


Someone Has To Pay

So I finally form part of your black list I don't even know you and I'm already your fierce antagonist because I'm masculinist, fascist, autist, selfish, multicopist, artist, joker, dentist, tourist, sophist, carlist, short-sighted.

I'm worried, if I wasn't I wouldn't worry about rhyming how stupid you seem to me but I warn you that by the song's end you disappear, disappear, die, perish, end, fall to the sea, and are eaten by fish.

What you're looking for is a guru, and you found a fucking minstrel and that will to cry that will to cry what can you cry about? you'll have to have something to cry about... well, don't cry to me

All your friends have their gurus so they don't have to think and they start to cry and they start to cry how can you not cry? You too will have to cry to the four winds

Your problem isn't that you're afraid, what's terrible is that you don't know and someone has to pay someone has to pay you have it sworn, enemies, where are the enemies? You're fucking up the wineskin, Don Quixote! You're fucking up the wineskin

So I profaned your correct surroundings, so I contaminated it I'm not on your team I'm not on your team, I was never on your team, I hate all teams. I never went into your house! I didn't hit the "play" button!

I didn't hit the "play" button! I didn't hit the "play" button! I didn't hit the "play" button! I didn't hit the "play" button!

Cover art for Alguien Tiene Que Pagar lyrics by Mamá Ladilla

Obvious. It's about how kids only listen to music with lyrics that bitches about relationships/breakups and stuff, and when someone comes in and does something different, they are questioned, but indeed, they never forced all this "political correct" morons to listen to them.