Never Tear Us Apart Lyrics
What you know is true
Don't have to tell you
I love your precious heart
I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never tear us apart
For a thousand years
But if I hurt you
I'd make wine from your tears
That we could fly
'Cause we all have wings
But some of us don't know why
I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never ever tear us apart

I kind of think this song eludes to the way the universe steps in, and puts two people together who aren't expecting to find each other. In a second you can find someone that for whatever reason, you are instantly drawn to, and in love with. There's just that look that passes between you, and know you are destined to mean more to each other than just some passing attraction.
I also think it speaks to the bonds that form between people that outsiders may not always understand. Love doesn't always make sense. You see these couples that are so happy and in love, and you wonder, "How the hell did that happen?" because they just don't look right together. I think this might be one of those situations. People may not get it, but it doesn't matter because from the second these two people laid eyes on each other, they were hooked.
I love your response, who knows if this is what the song is about but it's nice to know there are people out there who believe in love written in the stars. I met a man who I felt this way about, and even if we're never together I'm fairly sure I'll always feel the same.
I love your response, who knows if this is what the song is about but it's nice to know there are people out there who believe in love written in the stars. I met a man who I felt this way about, and even if we're never together I'm fairly sure I'll always feel the same.
I love your interpretation...a lot like destiny.
I love your interpretation...a lot like destiny.
@aheartthatbends I TOTALLY agree! This is the theme song of my ill-fated relationship that occurred last year. Towards the end, in early November 2014, she said after weeks of horrendous fighting that "it's okay to date other people" and so I played it for her and we stood there embracing each other. It couldn't work because she was pregnant with her previous bf's child and still had emotional ties with her first bf whom she talked to almost everyday. Also, she's borderline so she just couldn't be a good girlfriend to me.
@aheartthatbends I TOTALLY agree! This is the theme song of my ill-fated relationship that occurred last year. Towards the end, in early November 2014, she said after weeks of horrendous fighting that "it's okay to date other people" and so I played it for her and we stood there embracing each other. It couldn't work because she was pregnant with her previous bf's child and still had emotional ties with her first bf whom she talked to almost everyday. Also, she's borderline so she just couldn't be a good girlfriend to me.

I strongly believe this is about Michael's first love Michele Bennett.
So many years later she was the last person he spoke to before he killed himself. She rushed to be there but was unfortunately too late.
Perhaps his greatest love of all.
Oh, so it probably was about a real person! Yay! That gives the song a whole new meaning for me.
Oh, so it probably was about a real person! Yay! That gives the song a whole new meaning for me.
She was a lucky woman...
She was a lucky woman...

I went to a U2 concert a week after Michael Hutchence died and they played this. It was shattering.
@erosanikatos I also believe Bono said at that concert "Without INXS, U2 would have never been." which is a great tribute to a band that should have been even BIGGER.
@erosanikatos I also believe Bono said at that concert "Without INXS, U2 would have never been." which is a great tribute to a band that should have been even BIGGER.

Hej hvis du sidder og skal analysere denne sang så er der lige lidt hjælp her. Analyse af never tear us apart:
- Der bruges gentagelser som er med til at understrege budskabet (Budskabet er at ingen kan splitte dem op selvom de har mange fordomme om dem da Michael var med til at få paula og hendes daværende mand skilt)
- Der er brugt krydsrim og stavelsesrim

I'm thinkin it's totally about complete and absolute LOVE at first sight. An unforgettalbe, once in a lifetime experience that only the lucky few will endure. Never has a love song touched me so strongly over and over again through the years. A classic in any generation. Play it for your childre, and thier childre, and the childre to come. This song deserves to live .

'i was standing, you were there.. two worlds colided and they could never tear us apart' this may mean like one of those slow motion moments in movies whe the guy sees the girl of his dreams.. i just think of that and then they bond quickly?

This song just reeks of Romeo and Juliet. A passionate love affair that both people know is unrealistic because the circumstances and outside forces in their lives will not permit them to be together....But they follow their hearts and their lust for each other and fall madly in love. But the minor key and the second verse speaks of it all coming to a tragic end even though the song doesn't describe what happens to them afterwards.

just about being madly in love and remembering the first moment when u met. its pretty self-explainitory if u ask me.

i think that maybe this is a make-up song... the couple had a conflict, but now they're resolving it.

I love INXS. One of my favourite bands of all time.
I think this song is about a conflict in a relationship, a get-back-together sort of ballad - he really loves her and she knows it.. "Don't have to tell you I love your precious heart". Two people fighting in a relationship, yet come out stronger than ever. "Two worlds collided, and they could never tear us apart".