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Out Of The Ashes Lyrics
In the house of my master
Beyond the chains there is a bed
of snakes where evil lays
Oh, I hear laughter
I forged the iron bars that
someday will imprison me
Ooh, mother will you help me
Mother will you help me
To find a reason to go on
Out of the ashes of my youth
- I rise a man
And through the eyes of truth
- I finally understand
The way
I've been beaten with his words
and whipped whith his lies
He will not break me down no
matter how hard he tries
Pray for my lost soul
Out of control the storm inside
me rages on and on and on
Mother will you help me
Mother will you help me
To find a reason to go on
Out of the ashes of my youth
- I rise a man
And through the eyes of truth
- I finally understand
The way
Out of the ashes of my youth
- I rise a man
And through the eyes of truth
- I finally understand
The way
Beyond the chains there is a bed
of snakes where evil lays
Oh, I hear laughter
I forged the iron bars that
someday will imprison me
Mother will you help me
To find a reason to go on
- I rise a man
And through the eyes of truth
- I finally understand
The way
and whipped whith his lies
He will not break me down no
matter how hard he tries
Pray for my lost soul
Out of control the storm inside
me rages on and on and on
Mother will you help me
To find a reason to go on
- I rise a man
And through the eyes of truth
- I finally understand
The way
- I rise a man
And through the eyes of truth
- I finally understand
The way
This song is about changing, about growing up, specifially. But that's obvious... Another obvious statement is that this song and this band kick major ass.
i think this song is about an abusive father and he is looking to his mother in the story for strength. now he just wants to get out with his life, move past his youth.
What a cool song... interesting band indeed, but they kick major ass.
I couldn't agree more.
Reminds me of Hamlet.
Symphony X is the greatest, most underrated band. They deserve more credit, cause they kick ass.