Liquid Dreams Lyrics
Every night she comes to me and gives me all the love I need.
She's a morpharotic dream from a magazine
And she's so fine designed to blow your mind
She's a dominatrix supermodel beauty queen
Just a little touch Madonna's wild style
With Janet Jackson's smile, throw in a body like Jennifers'
You've got the star of my liquid dream
Underneath Cindy C's beauty mark
When it comes to the test well Tyra's the best
And Salma Hayek brings the rest
She's a morpharotic dream from a magazine
And she's so fine designed to blow your mind
She's a dominatrix supermodel beauty queen
Just a little touch Madonna's wild style
And Janet Jackson's smile, throw in a body like Jennifer's
You've got the star of my liquid dreams
Like Halle be
My mama thinks I'm lazy, my friend all think I'm crazy
But in my mind, I leave the world behind every night I dream
Waterfall and streams, these liquid dreams
Just little touch of Madonna's wild style
With Janet Jackson's smile
Throw in a body like Jennifer's
You've got the star of my liquid dreams
My liquid dreams
My liquid dreams
My liquid dreams
LEAVE O-TOWN ALONE! They are extrmly talented, although this song is not the best written song, they sing it very well, and they didnt friggin write it, so stop insulting them. Hmm who are the ones with the money, and girls screaming for them? Wait who? Ohhh its not you? Oh thats right it's O-town. Jelous assholes.
A song with hot guys fawning over hot girls. Works for me.
haha it works for me too!
lol hmmm so liquid dreams eh, ok i think thing song is about the unpubesent fuks needing to get laid so they just fantasize about chicks they can't have because that's how loserish and pathetic they are...not to mention gay...come on now...O-Town???? you know O (hoop it) town, O (god your gay) town, o (you just got fuked up the ass) town....yep that's them but hey, just my opinion
unbelievable! in order to hate them, you have to call them faggots and gays. wow!!! how original. Anyway...This song seems to endorse wetting the bed or something. I think the beat's okay. The lyrics, well...
Actually, I think I know what this song means!!
An average girl is not good enough for a pop-star wannabe anymore, so they need some one not just "hot" but who has all the qualities of those celebrities mentioned.
Yeah, I get it!! In describing such a person it's supposed to make the average girl feel wonderful about her non-jennifer body or non-angelina lips.
Excellent plan.
Now the next part,
where we scream O-TOWN, WE LOVE YOU.
ahahahaha you guys are great
I'm not neccessarily sure if this song is about wet dreams or anything, I think that it could possibly be talking about shaping the perfect girl from some kinda liquid form or something. . . it seemed like it made more sense when i listened to it...damn, i need to rethink this....
I LOVE these faggots!!! This song is awesome!
The title, Liquid Dreams, is a better term for wet dreams, and they made it all sort of classy, if that was even thought to be possible. People have criticized them for calling it Liquid instead of Wet, but whoever would put out a song called 'Wet Dreams' must be straight-up skanky and they're not going to sell many records. Unless they're some comedian, even then I have my doubts..but anyway.
wet dream: (Noun) An erotic dream accompanied by ejaculation of semen.
rofl lmao bbq. I looked up the artist which was id #666 on this site ( and fuckin O-town came up. That must be a sign.
O-town is devil-worshipper music!!