Addicted to Chaos Lyrics
All these normal people will I find another one?
Monkey on my back, aching in my bones
I forgot you said "One day you'll walk alone"
I said I need you, does that make me wrong?
Am I a weak man, are you feeling strong?
My heart was blackened, it's bloody red
A hole in my heart, a hole in my head?
Where's the helping hand?
Will you turn on me?
Is this my final stand?
Tangled abstract fallacy
Random turmoil builds in me
I'm addicted to chaos
Turn bad days into good
Turn breakdowns into blocks, I smashed 'em
Cause I could
My brain was labored, my head would spin
Don't let me down, don't give up, don't give in
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
The plans we made are back up on the road
Turn up my collar, welcome the unknown
Remember that you said
"One day you'll walk alone"

This one is about a guy who mentored Dave Mustaine during one of his trips to rehab. The man had been clean and sober for years and then relapsed one time and ovedosed, which killed him.
@GhostOfWar Yup, Mustaine has stated this in an interview. He also mentioned that he basically thought that his AA sponsor only sponsored him to score his drugs.
@GhostOfWar Yup, Mustaine has stated this in an interview. He also mentioned that he basically thought that his AA sponsor only sponsored him to score his drugs.

I hate to relate everything to a woman, but, that, along with being 30 and a failure at life in general, are all I can relate to. So, I met my SoulMate and, needless to say, it went sour. I never jelled with anyone like that. She taught me alot about what needed to be changed in my life. She taught me how to love and forgive unconditionally. She brought me closer to Jesus and understanding his ways. But she turned out to be one of the most evil ruthless people I have ever met in my life. It has been a long time since it has been over and I still have not found anyone that shows me the way or that completes me the way she did. I love Dave Mustaines music. It has seved my life plenty of times.

This site is about what a song means to you, cherrychew22, even though you're probably long gone and won't be reading this. Let the man speak his mind.

Well, when you're high... ...things don't always make sense. To state the obvious. It's a dream-like state. I think he's talking about how he's losing control because of drug-use, but he can't help himself because he's too addicted. Without the help of his mentor, he falls off the straight and narrow.

Aww.. This song has helped me so many times when I felt bad. Very deep lyrics. One of Megadeths best songs..

From the realms of deth: "In this song, the speaker loses someone very close to him, a dear friend who helped him through some very difficult times and was pretty much the only constant thing in his life. The speaker has been warned of this day, but he is still unprepared for it. He wonders about his chances of every finding anyone else like that in the world, and even contemplates suicide. In the final verse of the song, he becomes enlightened and realizes that this is simply another challenge in a life full of challenges. He gets his head together and goes out to face the world alone, once again."
GhostOfWar I think you may be right. But I personally think this song means what you want it to mean. That's the beauty of a lot of megadeth songs.

the heroin is aching in his bones. The whole song is about drug addiction.

The song is about loosing someone who has been helping you out alot. At the end of the 2nd verse its about relising you can go on by yourself. Great song

I don't understand "In a dream I connot see Tangled abstract fallacy Random turmoil builds in me I'm addicted to chaos"
The rest I get but.. anyone know?
@Liberi I've always assumed it relates to a dreamlike state (perhaps drug induced?) where nothing makes sense- and that reflects the rest of his life too. 'Random turmoil builds...' seems to me like he can't explain what's wrong- just that something is very wrong and it keeps coming back to haunt him (like addiction) and he is addicted to the chaos- the insanity of it- he can't escape it... That's my thoughts anyhow! :)
@Liberi I've always assumed it relates to a dreamlike state (perhaps drug induced?) where nothing makes sense- and that reflects the rest of his life too. 'Random turmoil builds...' seems to me like he can't explain what's wrong- just that something is very wrong and it keeps coming back to haunt him (like addiction) and he is addicted to the chaos- the insanity of it- he can't escape it... That's my thoughts anyhow! :)

My interpretation is that this song is about love. think about it: the lines "A hole in my heart, a hole in my head?"; "In a dream I connot see" and "Tangled abstract fallacy" can all definitely refer to love. But there are some lines I'm not sure about, such as "Monkey on my back, aching in my bones". But that's just my thoughts. Sides, I'm sure you can all agree that love is indeed chaotic, yet is keep coming back for more hahaha...
"Monkey on my back, aching in my bones" are clearly references to Heroin. Heroin addiction is referred to as the monkey on your back. When you go through Heroin withdrawl your bones ache. This is why I have to disagree with the love meaning. Unless of course, you mean the love of Heroin.
"Monkey on my back, aching in my bones" are clearly references to Heroin. Heroin addiction is referred to as the monkey on your back. When you go through Heroin withdrawl your bones ache. This is why I have to disagree with the love meaning. Unless of course, you mean the love of Heroin.