4 Meanings
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Sole Survivor Lyrics

I got that fever
Burning my head
So many memories
No fear to shed
Burns like a fire
Who stole my aims?
My comrade fighters
Been sent astray

How could I know
What others had in mind for me?
How would they know
What measures I take?

Sole survivor
Of a kill without alert sing
Your feeling out
Your song remains unheard
Sole survivor

We shared like brothers
A light in the black
Totally blended
Bold and erect
But we've grown intriguers
Till it's too late
Time has brought fire
Fear, greed and hate

Now I'm cryin'
Shattered on the ground
All I find
Has died anyway

Sole survivor
Of a kill without alert
Sing your feeliings out
Your song remains unheard

Sole survivor
Got a voice without a sound
Mean mistreaters
Took away your ground

Sole survivor
Sole survivor

Now I'm cryin'
Shattered on the ground
All I find
Has died anyway

Sole survivor
Of a kill without alert
Sing your feeliings out
Your song remains unheard

Sole survivor
Got a voice without a sound
Mean mistreaters
Took away your ground

Sole survivor
Sole survivor
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for Sole Survivor lyrics by Helloween

I really don't understand so simple minded guys as writers of the first 2 comments. This is power metal, but that doesn't mean it has to fall into stereotype (dragons princesses gold elfs metal warriors and so on) many power metal bands are falling in today. Every helloween's song has much deeper and philosophycal meaning.

This one is, to me, about soldier of some regime. He doesn't agree with things he's been ordered to do, it misses his aims... but his voice is without sound, his song is unheard which means that he cannot express his view cuz noone will listen, he has no power to change anything.

Cover art for Sole Survivor lyrics by Helloween

It's either about the sole survivor of a war or someone who feels they're the sole survivor of something like the world falling apart and is trying to get people to speak out xD

Cover art for Sole Survivor lyrics by Helloween

Maybe it's about an alien crash landing on earth and being left behind here before the time of humans and dinosaurs. XD

Cover art for Sole Survivor lyrics by Helloween

My guess is it's about a soldier that's in the war but it's not his choice. He's just a puppet there, serving a higher power.

It can also be a reflection on communism in warfare.

Who stole my aims? My comrade fighters Been sent astray

How could I know What others had in mind for me?

He was used as a slave to fight for their (corrupt goals) yet he doesn't know what the fuck he can do, nor do his "comrades" or brethren.