So Much Lyrics
Might take a bruise or two before she longs for my abuse.
Running away was easy I guess but you left my mind a sloppy mess.
Was it so hard to talk about stuff I couldn’t figure out?
Woe is me
She says the air tastes so much sweeter,
She says she's feeling so much better,
She says the air tastes so much sweeter since she left me
Crazy girls, which I seem to collect, and scribble down notes like a science project.
Your argument has no defense it's a big fat lie built on false pretense,
But now I roam from home to work singing songs about you and feeling like a jerk
Woe is me
She says the air tastes so much sweeter,
She says she's feeling so much better,
She says the air tastes so much sweeter since she left me
Might take a bruise or two before she longs for my abuse
Running away was easy I guess but you left my chest a hollowed out mess
Was it so hard to talk about stuff I couldn’t figure out?

Such a great Ska-core, break-up song. "in time she might see how foolish she was for leaving me." Who hasn't thought that before?

hell yeah. even though this is break up song, it is still great to listen to in the car with 4 great friends the windows down and the volume up.

ahhh the impossibles are playing a farwell show on June 1st in austin

ahhh the impossibles are playing a farwell show on June 1st in austin

this is an awesome song


i might be going to the fairwell show in austin. austin is an hour south of where i live (temple, texas). it just so happens that June 1st is my graduation, so i might go from my graduation ceremony straight to see them that'd be badass. we'll see if it works out

I'm so glad to be going to both shows. I hear that the early show is all ska and that the late show is rock. I can guarantee that it's going to be so kick ass.

thats going to the late show.... but mostly for Recover (BIG FAN), but i love The Impossibles too. I like their Rock stuff more, so i hope what KFS style said is true.

Just got back from there last show, and it was amazing... So much intensity and Emotion...