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Something I Can Never Have Lyrics

I still recall the taste of your tears
Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears
My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore
Scraping through my head till I don't want to sleep anymore

You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I'm down to just one thing and I'm starting to scare myself
You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have

You always were the one to show me how
Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now
This thing is slowly taking me apart
Grey would be the color if I had a heart

Come on tell me
You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I'm down to just one thing and I'm starting to scare myself
You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have

In this place it seems like such a shame
Though it all looks different now, I know it's still the same
Everywhere I look you're all I see
Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be

Come on tell me
You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I'm down to just one thing and I'm starting to scare myself
You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have
I just want something I can never have
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Submitted by
jose On Nov 26, 2001
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145 Meanings

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Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

I do believe Trent wrote this song during the recording and writing of Pretty Hate Machine. This wasn't originally meant to be on the album either, but something happened to Trent during the trip to wherever (can't remember where it was) he was while recording the album, which inspired it's creation.

He'd taken a break from it to go to a club (if I remember right), and met one of his ex-girlfriends by chance, there. They caught up with eachother, talked alot, and Trent found himself feeling things for her all over again. Only to end up being told (by someone else) that she was already with someone. But during their encounter with one another, she'd acted like she was entirely into him. Not saying a word about the "other guy".

After that, he wrote this song.

Trent actually talked a bit about it, during an interview a long time ago. He never said exactly that it's exactly the reason this song was made...but he did talk about the above situation, and it really does fit the song, perfectly.

I do believe that's what it was about.

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

unrequited love

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

NIN's best song. If you dont agree, go through a break up and listen to this album, this song in particular in a dark rooom and you'll understand EXACTLY what i mean. I think many others will agree with me.

I broke up with a girl, we met after 3 years, she changed a lot since and I feel like she ruined all my good memories of her. I think this song tells it all.

Not Valid

Uhhhhhh...this whole album isn't really about typical "Emo" stuff. Yeah this song is probably sour this. But everything else is about the world we live in

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

People may believe this song is a reference to his heroin habbit, but I dont think it is.

He's not having an internal debate about taking "one last hit" or kicking the habbit.

He's having an epiphany and he's trying to debate with himselve, whether or not he should kill himself and he recalls to a time in his life that was happy, whilst making a reference to the fact he has little things to go on in the present. When he reflects upon his life, he feels angered that he's not as happy as he used to be and he knows that he has only one real shot at making things work.


Funny that you write that people may believe this song is a reference to heroin use because it's so easy to hear it's not. It is very obvious that it's about a lost love; still loving someone (albeit very obsessively) after a break up but knowing the relationship is over for good, and the song is describing the resulting psychological pain.

But certain sentences in this song always remind me of heroin regardless, (I've used heroin daily for half a year and still use it every other week). Just certain sentences though that instantly triggered the link in my...

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

I love how this song can be brutal yet moving at the same time. Interesting.

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

This is one of the most beautiful songs that I've ever heard. I'm completely unfamiliar with Nine Inch Nails, and I decided to introduce myself to them via this website - read the lyrics and choose those that I liked best, then download the song and see if I like the way those lyrics were set to music. I was blown away by this song. God. It's gorgeous.

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

its probably been mentioned, but I'm pretty sure this song is about Trent in highschool where he really loved a girl for a couple of years, but he never really got to know her and just kind of obsessed over her, as an adult he regrets not doing something about it and it still tears him apart...

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

wow, this is a great song. I have just listened to it for the first time cause i\'m a new NIN fan ever since i got [with_teeth] last saturday and man is trent a genius! this song is beautiful, and i completely relate to it, a must to anyone who loves not just rock but music

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

its quite obvious to me that this is about a guy who's obsessed with another girl and cant seem to stop thinking about her. "i'm starting to scare myself" probably means that the guy is alarmed at his behavior. pretty much every line alludes to his obsession in one way or another, but that's just my take on it.

Cover art for Something I Can Never Have lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

Oh my god, Trent Reznor has a BEAUTIFUL voice! This song is sooo pretty and Trent did a GREAT job on this song.