Sweet Dreams, TN Lyrics
I like that it builds as an earnest love ballad until the end twist; similar to Cornestone I feel.
The reality is that it's about a drug-fuelled (jaw ache could indicate cocaine) fuck/fling in a club or somewhere (broken powder room mirror).. Coupled with the title which could be interpreted as him not knowing her name and just labelling her as being in/from Tennessee.
It's about his current girlfriend, Taylor - almost an ode to her. She's from Tennessee and has a septum piercing. Seven years of bad luck meaning it took him a handful of past girlfriends over the period of 7 years to finally find her.
@instalux 7 years of bad luck is the superstition that if you break a mirror you'll have bad luck for 7 years. I think it's more a reference to the wild sex where they'll break a mirror by crashing against it, but the sex will have been so good it won't bring them bad luck.
@instalux 7 years of bad luck is the superstition that if you break a mirror you'll have bad luck for 7 years. I think it's more a reference to the wild sex where they'll break a mirror by crashing against it, but the sex will have been so good it won't bring them bad luck.