Young and Beautiful Lyrics
Done it all, had my cake now
Diamonds, brilliant, in Bel-Air now
Hot summer nights mid July
When you and I were forever wild
The crazy days, the city lights
The way you'd play with me like a child
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul
I know you will, I know you wont
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful
Channeling angels in, the new age now
Hot summer days, rock and roll
The way you'd play for me at your show
And all the ways I got to know
Your pretty face and electric soul
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul
I know you will, I know you wont
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful
Please let me bring my man
When he comes tell me that you'll let me
Father tell me if you can
Oh that face makes me wanna party
He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul
I know you will, I know you wont
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful
Will you still love me when I'm not young and beautiful

As this was written specifically for The Great Gatsby- for me, this song is representative of Daisy Buchanan. The 'Hot Summer nights, Mid July' are representative of Gatsby and Daisy's love affair when she was a maiden. 'The way you'd play with me like a child' symbolises the fickleness of their love affair, Daisy is attracted to light heartedness. The fact she's wondering 'Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful' can highlight character vulnerability but also show us of the fickle nature of Daisy Buchannan. This song is perfectly captures the character of Daisy. The contextual factors of 'new age' show us the unpredictable nature of the novel, of the age in fact. The religious conisations of 'Dear Lord, when I get to heaven please let me bring my man' are simply ironic and effective. Gatsby is indeed, a novel without God therefore the fickle treatment of higher power shows the pursuit of aesthetics as oppose to morality.
Mini essay on how Lana Del Rey's Young and Beautiful symbolises a lot of the book haha!
Agreed, besides, in the scene where Daisy talks with Nick in the garden alone, in their first meeting, she says 'I've seen the world, done it all...' After that, I immediately connected the character with Lana's song.
Agreed, besides, in the scene where Daisy talks with Nick in the garden alone, in their first meeting, she says 'I've seen the world, done it all...' After that, I immediately connected the character with Lana's song.

This song is very self explained, but she's just asking her man if he will still love here when she's no longer young and beautiful, or when she all she has is her soul. But she knows he will. Then she's asking God if when she gets to heaven, that can she bring him with her, cause she cant bare to be without him.
My favorite part is "Oh that grace, oh that body, oh that face, makes me wanna party." I love that part!

I know this song is from the Great Gatbsy movie and I haven't seen it yet. But I feel like adding my interpretation from personal experience.
To me it's a beautiful and soft cry. It reminds me of longing for someone in the initial stages of a relationship, and sensing something from them, almost knowing something about them that prohibits you from believing in their love. Yet, you give in all the same without knowing. Almost convincing yourself "I know you will (be true)". The phrase "young and beautiful" is just an excuse, a fitting one, in the circumstances that shapes your limits with them as well as your hope in them. It helps you enjoy and live the moment (away from a truth you sense from them). That sentence "until I've got nothing but my aching soul" sums up how much hope she's investing just to love him. A cry of hope, almost to the Universe, to carry them through. She's trying to be positive for both of them because his attention brings her so much joy as if it's as genuine as it could get. It could be enough for both of them to escape into it forever. But that's the problem, they're escaping in every senese.. which is why she can't help asking till the end of the song "will you still love me?..." but there's no bitterness between them, as so much has been opened up and understood between that there is no room for bitterness. They understand each other. That's the blessing and problem. In her voice... you can almost here a positive hoping that the soul transcends and all will be right but at the same time that is what's sickening and draws them to the grave, each other... that sadness, lesson, betrayal. Those are the things that will make sure they will be. No other way is there a positive glimpse into the unanswerable.
I have seen the film & basically put Gatsby in Lana's shoes and you have it right.
I have seen the film & basically put Gatsby in Lana's shoes and you have it right.

This song is so underrated it is RIDICULOUS! It captures the very essence of The Great Gatsby brilliantly. It is from the perspective of Daisy Buchanan, the character and the symbol. Daisy is the reason for Gatsby's everything. She's a pretentious snob; beautiful, unattainable. What does she mean? She IS money, wealth, success. Poor boys can't date rich girls, so Gatsby becomes s billionaire to have her finally, but even that isn't enough. IT IS NEVER ENOUGH! All those shirts, the parties, the money; he will never be good enough. Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? It's's a siren song...he'll never know her when she's no longer young and beautiful because he'll die before he gets that chance. Daisy only has power because he gives it to her...he makes her shine like diamonds and not the other way around...dear Lord when I get to Heaven...that is the promise of salvation she is suppose to give but of course does not...because in the end, money can't buy you those things. Your soul is your responsibility and you can't find it in someone or something else. Daisy is the American Dream, a facade to distract us from the real work. She is what you think you want, young and beautiful, until she is not. She gets old and no longer desirable...pulling the proverbial curtain up and seeing the wizard is no wizard, just a flawed and pathetic man with power only because you give it to him; like God.

I think most people forget certain parts of the song. Besides it being a self contained song, "Will [he] still love [her] when [she's] no longer young and beautiful" it has the part about the aching soul. Love is love. Attraction is attraction. Two separate entities all together. I look at me and my girlfriend. 60 years from now, will she be "attractive" having aged and all? Probably won't be the definition, or even remotely close, of attractive, but I will still love her. This is where the aching soul part comes in. You have the physical attributes that make you want someone. Then you find their person, their soul to complete the rest. You fall in love. But we all have issues, mistakes, regrets, etc.. When the beauty fades, all you still have left with you are said issues, mistakes, regrets, etc.. We all have to be realistic in the overall mating ritual that is man, we see first, then we approach and then we get to know them. That's just he way it is. So that said, without the first thing that made them approach you, that drove them to you, all gone, and you are left with just mistakes, memories, regrets, maybe some hurting that you did to them, or hurting that they did to you, will there still be love? Narrator, LDR, understands it so too."All that grace, all that body All that face, makes me wanna party" I do find it fascinating though that she want him to be that way into death. Maybe without those good looks, the shell that remains no longer make her want to party?

bel-air is a city in the los angeles county
Yeah it's a great place, I think I have relatives up there.
Yeah it's a great place, I think I have relatives up there.

I like to think of this as in Daisy's perspective. We all know that good things must to an end. Daisy is stunning, young, beautiful, and rich. But I think in end, she wants someone who will love her no matter what and deep in her heart, she knows only Gatsby can grant her these things. She'll loose all her wealth in the end and all that will be left is her "aching soul".

Lana just made a new Fan....

I love this song

Great explaination sedawen... but the last part 'All that grace, all that body, All that face, makes me wanna party, He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds' i think its meaning is quite simple... unlike movie... daisy did wrong certainly but gatsby did lied to her about his profession... and she lied about her only love... what if that accident wud have not happenned and daisy wud have known about tom's affair... gatsby wud have taken daisy in the end.. However moral of the story is no matter how rich or famous u have become... in the end u will take nothing and will be alone... gatsby betrayed his parents assuming himself god's child then why he put that much faith and hope in a strange girl... god's child is always alone... forever wed was a blame game... gatsby wasnt really great... he does everything for his love abandoning those who loved him even before he was born... this is KARMA
@feelingextremeties she did know about the affair she just didn't know with who it was. she was very aware that Tom wasn't ever faithful to her I think that is why she gave in so easily in wanting to leave him or better yet start an affair with Gatsby, sort of like revenge.
@feelingextremeties she did know about the affair she just didn't know with who it was. she was very aware that Tom wasn't ever faithful to her I think that is why she gave in so easily in wanting to leave him or better yet start an affair with Gatsby, sort of like revenge.
Who wrote the lyrics to 'Young and Beautiful' by Lana Del Rey?