Stone The Crow Lyrics
Great, great song! Yeah it's about being Down (strangely enough!) and what you're going to do - kill yourself or get through it, trying to change bad habits and break out of mental inertia. A lot of Anselmo's lyrics are about this kind of thing, especially on Down's first album. I'm trying to learn how to sing properly (like Anselmo would be good, of course...) and this is a good exercise. God knows what's up with that man's vocal cords though!
Agreed, Anselmo's the greatest Metal vocalist that ever lived.
Agreed, Anselmo's the greatest Metal vocalist that ever lived.
ExconvictARYAN - put your money where your mouth is and denounce Phil for being French and Italian blood and not Aryan. That's what you believe in, isn't it? Oh, not when it suits you? Ah, OK ;-) I believe whatever race and background you are, strength and pride help you and everyone you care about. Fuck illusions.
I think like Ruxi said the song is about the depression in Phil's life and the feelings of hostility he seemed to breed - "no matter what I say, I'm blamed, I'm shamed, I'm judged unfairly". Awesome fucking line.
He also keeps talking about "yesterday" so I think it's also looking into the past - he's saying that he can't change the choices he's made or live in the past, but he's sunk to such deep pain that he feels like the person that he was is dying. When he says "I've never died before" it's in the context of "... but now I am", like he says in the last part of the song, "so now I've died before". He doesn't know who he is anymore.
And "stone the crow" I think you can take as a metaphor for death. In the first verse it has the same meaning "never died before/never stoned the crow", and in the second verse he says "I should've stoned the crow" which I guess could mean two things: he should have ended his life, or (more positive) just said fuck it and done something to change his life, "killed" off his current way of living before things sank to the way they are in the song.
The last 4 lines.... I don't know, maybe he is saying to the people who blame, shame and judge him unfairly that they are dead to him too. He "thought it sown as yesterday" -- he has never given two shits about forgetting who these people are. And then he ends again on "I never stoned the crow" - he thinks to himself despite all his shit and "killing" those who rise against him, he still hasn't sorted his own life out yet.
No comments? Fuckin awesome song, this is why Phil gets my vote as best Metal vocalist of all time.
best is all you can say? this song desevres so much more, its about when Phil died(and was recussitated) from an overdose, and how it changed his perspective on things
This album was made a year before he died. NOLA- '95 Death/Great Southern Trendkill- '96
This album was made a year before he died. NOLA- '95 Death/Great Southern Trendkill- '96
no it is not about is death, he says he has NEVER died before. this song was written before he died. "stone the crow" means beat to death, so it is about doinf the same stupid shit that brings him down, bad ass song
Fucking love it, learning to play it on guitar at the mo.
Too bad he was such a dick before dime died.