The Battle of Evermore (Led Zeppelin cover) Lyrics
And then she turned to go
The prince of peace embraced the gloom
And walked the night alone
The dark lord rides in force tonight
And time will tell us all
Oh, throw down your plow and hoe
The darkest of them all
Down in the valley below
I'm waiting for the angels of Avalon
Waiting for the eastern glow
The seas of happiness
The ground is rich from tender care
Repay, do not forget
The tyrant's face is red, ohhhh
Oh, war is the common cry
The sky is filled with good and bad
That mortals never know, ohhh
The beads of time pass slow
Tired eyes on the sunrise
Waiting for the eastern glow
The woe of aftermath
The drums will shake the castle wall
The ring wraiths ride in black
No comfort has the fire at night
That lights the face so cold
Oh, dance in the dark of night
To bring the balance back
Bring it back
The clouds of blue roll by
With flames from the dragon of darkness
The sunlight blinds his eyes
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Bring it back,
Oh now,
Oh now,
Oh now,
Oh now,
Oh now,
Oh now,
Oh now,
Oh now,
Bring it,
Bring it,
Bring it,
Bring it,
Bring it,
Lord of the Rings.
Not every song by Zep is related to LOTR. Think outside the box dude. This one is just telling a story. Obviously these guys were pretty obsessed with fantasy (probably a lot of it drug enduced) and just wrote a song about it instead of a book.
Your first sentence is correct. But this one is actually inspired by LOTR.
Your first sentence is correct. But this one is actually inspired by LOTR.
yes your right not every song is about lord of the rings but the battle of evermore is
yes your right not every song is about lord of the rings but the battle of evermore is
Yeah..LOTR-"The Wringwraiths ride in black"
Yes, there is a reference to Tolken....but remember Tolken, and C.S.Lewis were christians and it is not beyond the scope posibility this is a reference to the "great" battle of evermore, the greatest battle ever the mind of man. This then may be looked at as a discription of the world as the great tribulation, and the anti-christ approach....listen to this.
Queen of Light took her bow, and then she turned to go,
(The queen of light should be the bride of christ after the marriage, on her way to the "wedding supper" in heaven...after the rapture. After her translation which the "christian" church of the world knows nothing of, because it missed the revelation of the son of man, that came bringing her the fullness of the revealed word to get her ready years before. "He come as a thief in the night", for "Her" so they that are left behind still are looking for him to come.)
The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom And walked the night alone.
( There is only one "prince of peace"...thats Jesus Christ, who drank the cup.., having died once for the sins of us all, and when He returned as the son of man...He come as a thief in the night, to take his bride before the indignation is poured out upon the world, ISAIAH 63:3 "I have trodden the winepress alone"; )
Oh, dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morn-ing light. (It is night, and the darkest of night...just before the dawn. The morning is the "day of the Lord" promised to come.)
The dark Lord rides in force tonight And time will tell us all.
(This is and has been since Adam and Eve lost the rights to dominion over it..."Satan's Eden", )
Oh, throw down your plow and hoe, Rest not to lock your homes.
(He that puts his hand to the plow and even turns to look back is not worthy.").
Side by side we wait the might Of the darkest of them all. (and the last age before the milleniun, is the darkest of them all...even what appears to be light is in reality darkness. )
I hear the horses' thunder Down in the valley below, (The voice of the Lord "thunders"......But the church is worldy,caught up in it... in the valley of the shadow of death. Abraham was on the mountain, and Lot in the valley of Sodom, when the investigating angels came, to see if it was as they had heard.) I'm waiting for the angels of Avalon, Waiting for the eastern glow. (The world is worshiping science, and waiting for thier "gods" of science to come and rescue them of thier trouble, The anti-christ is coming to inpersonate Christ with his fallen angels, descised as aliens, knowing the world is looking for the savior to come.....Angels of "avalon"...which means the vale of apples...The tree of knowledge.)
The apples of the valley hold The seeds of happiness, ( The "gift" of science will seem to have the answers to world peace and happiness....)
The ground is rich from tender care, Repay, do not forget, no, no. (The ground work has been laid, so the world is ready to receive.....)
Oh, dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light. ( The day is still coming....a day is a thousand years)
The apples turn to brown and black, The tyrant's face is red. ( knowledge is what destroys man, without the character to contain the power it brings)
Oh the war is common cry, Pick up you swords and fly. (
The sky is filled with good and bad That mortals never know. (The Spirit know the things of the spirit, man of the things of man)
Oh, well, the night is long The beads of time pass slow, Tired eyes on the sunrise, Waiting for the eastern glow. (they grow weary of waiting, "all things remain the same....since the fathers fell asleep")
The pain of war cannot exceed The woe of aftermath, The drums will shake the castle wall, The ringwraiths ride in black, Ride on. ( the destruction shall be great )
Sing as you raise your bow, Shoot straighter than before. No comfort has the fire at night That lights the face so cold. ( the war comes....the religions of the world think they are doing "God a service")
Oh dance in the dark of night, Sing to the mornin' light. The magic runes are writ in gold To bring the balance back. Bring it back. ( gold represents deity......surely the day has come......but watch out!)
At last the sun is shining,i The clouds of blue roll by, (With the coming of the will appear the saviour of the world has come at last)
With flames from the dragon of darkness The sunlight blinds his eyes. ( It appears to be the morning when he comes to inpersonate Christ, but instead the tribulation is starting, it is a false light, the devil appears as an angel of light, his angels as ministers of rightousness. The whole world has been decieved, except the saints who will come back with Christ to bring the kingdom of God, in the battle of Ammeggeddon....then the real day comes....the Millineum of peace, after the battle is done.)
your translation is is right on the mark! thank you
your translation is is right on the mark! thank you
This is my favorite Zeppelin song. EVER.
To Absolute:
Apologies if I sound like I'm downplaying your efforts, but I can't believe that you actually Biblically decrypted the Battle of Evermore in its entirety. It's honestly mind-blowing. Nicely done. Did you have, like, a weekend free to sit down and do this, or did it not take you that long? =P
lord of the rings...there are relations between LOTR and christianity... Prince of Peace--- Aragorn Queen of Light-- Arwen
Just to point out, this version is by Page & Plant, one can tell by the attention to detail with the inclusion of every moan and shriek in this song (which was recorded live, with an Egyptian (?) woman doing Denny's part) the music is actually pretty different, giving an Eastern flair instead of the usual English folk flair.
personally, i think that this really has nothing to do with "LOTR" there is not a single song by Zeppelin that has to do with LOTR. there are 2 or 3 that have some reference to LOTR but none are about the books. Musicians do reference on occasion, but that doesn't mean that's what the song is about.
My favourite Led Zeppelin song. Either this or No Quarter. It is about LOTR. I don't care what you say, It is from the epic battle at Helms Deep. The Ring Wraits, looking to the east at sunrise, the castle walls, basically everything you can find in that part of LOTR. Absolutely amazing song.
This is my very favorite Led Zeppelin song also of all of them. The music is fantastic, the lyrics wonderful. I will not deign to figure them out except in reading them it seems to be about war (things turn bad then good after the war is over) and all that real war ruins and destroys and once gone you cannot bring back those beautiful things back. Once war is over the skies are blue again and creation is restored. It is a very apropos song for Bush right now if things that are becoming nuclear continue under his vision and perceptions and deeds. He is a cowboy in a business suit who needs to go back to Texas and do some shit kicking there, not on a world that may not recover from his 8 year reign of showing how we are not a superpower after all, and that everyone needs to keep a gun (a nuke) in their house just in case.