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Swamp Lyrics

I don't listen at all to the government
I just say 'no, why do you hate?'
I don't listen at all to the government
The government has gotta go, oh yeah

I don't listen at all to the government
I just say 'no, why do you hate?'
I don't listen at all to the government
The government has gotta go

They're getting in the way of
(The smoke they're blowin, all this strain they're showin)
They're getting in the way of
(The smoke they're blowin, only our way)

I don't listen at all to the government
I just say 'no, why do you hate?'
I don't listen at all to the government
The government has gotta go

Getting in the way of . . . only our way
(The smoke they're blowin, all this strain they're showin)
They're getting in the way of
(The smoke they're blowin)
This time the government has gotta go

No doubt, they've sold out
But right now we can end the game they're playing

I don't listen at all to the government
I just say 'no, why do you hate?'
I don't listen at all to the government
The government has gotta go

No doubt, they've sold out
But right now we can end the game they're playing

They won't make it better
Now or never
They won't make it better
Now or never
They won't make it better
Now or never
Overcome, I

Diving, diving, diving . . .

On the edge, I dive, in the sunrise
Gonna be alright at the waterline

On the edge, I dive, in the sunrise
Gonna be alright at the waterline

On the edge, I dive, in the sunrise
Gonna be alright at the waterline

On the edge, I dive, in the sunrise
Gonna be alright at the waterline

At the waterline
At the waterline
At the waterline
At the waterline
At the waterline
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8 Meanings

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Cover art for Swamp lyrics by COG

Obviously, trying to show the government needs to go, which it did in the last election. 'Gonna be alright at the waterline' maybe means its alright in the water or across the water because they cannot enforce anything against you.

Cover art for Swamp lyrics by COG

hmmm why does this song make me think of john howard ??? theres defiantly a feel in it that we as the people have the power to choose our leaders and keep our country heading in the direction we as a whole can agree upon, i could be wrong though, i am pretty useless at decoding hidden meanings especially political ones :P

Cover art for Swamp lyrics by COG

I'm not convinced this is solely about Howard been kicked out of Government. I think its far more broad than that - and that is they way that the Government partys throw so much spin at us the voters prior to an election and during the current partys ruling as Government. I think this is more about saying no to the government and getting of your ass and doing something about it. Cog are always pushing the message that if your not happy with something only you can get of your butt and do something about it. "Gonna be Alright at the waterline" to me can be interpreted as a particular party trying to convince us that their policies will make everything alright. We have more power than ever to tell the government if we disagree with something they are enforcing even if nothing comes out of it we can say "Yeah thats what I believe" and your voice will be may be heard by someone else and inspire them.

Cover art for Swamp lyrics by COG

This is for me one of the best tracks of this album among others. I think the the posts are correct and the message is clear, don't listen to the governments retoric. This song was written during a period when the Bush and Howard governments were trying to justify their position on Iraq by blatantly encouraging anti-Muslim sentiment 'No, why do you hate'.

The second part of the song which has the fiddle of violin playing over the rhythm (which I love) is less clear. My opinion and I may be wrong, is that they are singing about surfing. The cog boys are keen surfers and so am I. Diving in to the water as the sun rises, is a feeling that some people live for and also provides an escape from ones current troubles. The Howard government policies pissed me off and I, among other things surfed to release built up tension and anger. Most writers, write about things in their own lives and I believe Cog have incorporated the feeling they get from surfing into Swamp.

Song Meaning
Cover art for Swamp lyrics by COG

This is one of my favorite Cog songs who are one of my favorite bands, Reading these comments have made me look at these lyrics from a different angle, especially the one about surfing as I originally assumed that "On the edge, I dive, in the sunrise Gonna be alright at the waterline" was a reference to the children overboard story

Cover art for Swamp lyrics by COG

i think they are not talking specifically about the howard govt, they are talking about the goverment as a whole

Cover art for Swamp lyrics by COG

I thought the lyrics in that hook bit at the start were "I don't listen at all to the government I just ignore, do you hear?"

I'm open to correction.

Cover art for Swamp lyrics by COG

Obviously, trying to show the government needs to go, which it did in the last election. 'Gonna be alright at the waterline' maybe means its alright in the water or across the water because they cannot enforce anything against you.