Johanna Lyrics

I feel you, Johanna
I feel you
Do they think that walls can hide you?
Even now I'm at your window
I am in the dark beside you
Buried sweetly in your yellow hair

And are you beautiful and pale
With yellow hair, like her
I'd want you beautiful and pale
The way I've dreamed you were,


And if you're beautiful what then
With yellow hair, like wheat
I think we shall not meet again,
My little dove, my sweet,

I'll steal you, Johanna

Goodbye, Johanna
You're gone and yet you're mine
I'm fine, Johanna
I'm fine


Smoke, smoke
Sign of the devil
Sign of the devil
City on fire
Witch, witch
Smell it sir, an evil smell
Every night at the vesper's bell
Smoke that comes fromthe mouth of hell
City on fire
City on fire

And if I never hear your voice,
My turtle dove, my dear
I still have reason to rejoice
The way ahead is clear

I feel you, Johanna

And in that darkness when I'm blind
With what I can't forget
It's always morning in my mind,
My little lamb, my pet
You stay, Johanna


The way I dreamed you were
Oh, look, Johanna
A star

Buried sweetly in your yellow hair

A shooting star

There, there
Somebody, somebody
Look up there
Didn't I tell you?
Smell that air
City on fire
Quick, sir! Run and tell
Warn them all of the witch's spell
There it is, there it is
The unholy smell
Tell it to the fiddler and police as well
Tell them, tell them
Oh! Fiend!
City on fire
City on fire

And though I'll think of you I guess
Until the day I die
I think I miss you less and less
As every day goes by


And you'd be beautiful and pale
And look too much like her
If only angels could prevail
We'd be the way we were

I feel you, Johanna

Wake up, Johanna
Another bright red day
We learn, Johanna
To say

I'll steal you
Song Info
Submitted by
garnica456 On Jan 06, 2008
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11 Meanings

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Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

It's less of Todd excepting that he'll never see Johanna, but more that he no longer feels he needs to see her, that it will make him feel better. He's found a way of revenge and a way to purge the world of what he believes to be evil. So he no longer needs to see Johanna, it's not important while he can just kill and dream of her, and the more he kills, the closer he gets to his revenge, the more Johanna is no longer needed. Also, there's this whole thing where he compares her to his wife, knowing that Johanna has grown up by now. Most likely, if he did see Johanna at this time, he'd see only his wife, heightening his descent into madness. He probably doesn't want the memory of his wife there, as well, just wants to remember Johanna, not as the woman she is, but as a young girl, if anything, because then she couldn't look like his wife. It's a song that very much defines the true madness of Sweeney Todd.

My Interpretation

@MacabreSmile I'm not sure I agree with the first part of your interpretation- I cannot feel that Todd is getting closer to revenge the more he kills. Rather it is an impression of dreariness, almost deadness within him. I agree more readily with what you go on to say, and yes, without doubt it is the one number that defines his true madness.

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

I think in this song, Sweeney is still wondering about his dear daughter and as the song progreses, he accepts that he probably will not ever see her again, so he's trying to move on. Anyways it is better if she doesn't know him, because he is a murderer and he probably wouldn't want her to know that about her father. So he is deciding that she can stay the way he dreamed she was.

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

I think this song is so beautiful; Anthony and Sweeney are really good in this song because this song is about letting go in Sweeney's part, yet longing for Johanna in Anthony's. I think the two opposite emotions just compliment each other really well!

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

I LOVE this song because it takes the perspective of everyone except Johanna. Her father, her mother, and the man lusting after her. It's entertaining how they're all a part of each other, but none of them actually know it.

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

xD to ohitstraqukX's comment. It is indeed a very nice name when sung in this song~ This is definitely my favourite... because there are different perspectives, like BuglyMuckling said. I love that we see Sweeney's feelings for his daughter... It is sad that he decides not to get to know her at all... But at least he knows that Antony is someone who will care for her.

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

This is seriously giving me Oedipial Complex vibes. But then again. They do say, if you want to see your wife/girlfriend in the future, look at their mothers.

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Wake up, Johanna Another bright red day... Not "the nerve, the bright red day."

It's "Unnerve the bright red day".

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

i'm not so sure about the oedipal complex thing, but maybe i just don't want to hear anything bad about it because my name is johanna. it's more like 3 asides about how the characters feel about her. too bad she's not a brunette...

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

I worked on the original Drury Lane production, and so heard this song sung live dozens of times. To me it was the most chilling of all: if Epiphany was about Todd becoming finally unhinged, then this was a beautifully written description of a man by now truely brutalized- he was now so innured to murder, that he was able to let his mind wander as he did, dreaming of the daughter he would never see, and convincing himself that it didn't matter "I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by, Johanna" This was his lot- routine, joyless slaying, and idle dreaming, much in the manner of someone who performs a dull, repetitive manual job. It is masterful song writing: at the same moment both beautiful and spine-chilling.

Cover art for Johanna lyrics by Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Gawd I wish my name was Johanna..
