My Friends Lyrics
These are my friends,
See how they glisten.
See this one shine,
How he smiles in the light,
My friends,
My faithful friends...
Whisper, I'll listen.
I know, I know
You've been locked out of sight
All these years!
Like me, my friend!
Well, I've come home
To find you waiting!
And we're together...
And we'll do wonders...
Won't we...?
You there, my friend,
Come, let me hold you.
Now, with a sigh,
You grow warm
In my hand...
My friend,
My clever friend...
I'm your friend too, Mr. Todd.
If you only knew, Mr. Todd.
Ooh, Mr. Todd,
You're warm
In my hand...
You've come home...
Always had a fondness for you,
I did.
Rest now, my friends.
Soon I'll unfold you.
Soon you'll know splendors
You never have dreamed
All your days,
My lucky friends.
Till now your shine
Was merely silver.
You shall drip rubies,
You'll soon drip precious
Never you fear, Mr. Todd.
You can move in here
Mr. Todd. Splendors
You never have dreamed
All your days
Will be yours!
I'm your friend,
And you're mine!
Don't they shine beautiful?
Silver's good enough for me,
Mr. T...
At last my arm is complete again

wow i loved this song depp has a gr8 voice

this is the BEST song from the movie. i love when Helena Bonham Carter come in.

The way their voices intertwine just works beautifully. This song really shows the passion they have for what they're singing about. (Sweeney-the blades; Mrs. Lovett-Sweeney)
: )

I like it when Mrs. Lovett breathes Sweeney in from behind him. I also like it too when she sings, "I'm your friend too..." It's a beautiful song.

This is my absolute favorite song in the movie!! I love Johnny Depp singing it!He's so cute. lol! Did anyone ever notice when he's supposed to say together, he says too-gever? Haha. My brother and I laugh sooo hard everytime we hear that!

My favorite part about this song is that I think it presents what I think to be the central conflict for the first time. It's clear that all this time Todd has been thinking of revenge, while all this time Mrs. Lovett has been thinking of Todd. She makes such overt advances, but he is only concerned with his knives. Tragedy in the making

This song is so sad, she loves Sweeney so much but he can't see that because of the selfish actions of one man, ruining four lives-Sweeney, Lucy, Johanna and Mrs Lovett. I wonder how Helena Bonham Carter felt singing this song, acting like she was in love with her fiancees best friend while her fiancée watched...

I've always loved this song. And, I've used the "at last, my arm is complete again" in regular conversation.

I love when Helena comes in and their voices blend beautifully. This is one of my favorite songs from the movie.