safo manejar, safo ayudar a guacarear y
shot que me carguen
shot masaje
safo hablarle a Randy en su babalunizaje
Estaba contentito aquí en la humareda
de pronto llega el Huidos safo aguantar su peda
Yo super safe, te dejo esta pala
super shot pasar al baño mucho antes que el Ayala-what?
Yofo safa fofo, yofo safa fofo
yofo safa fofo yofo yofo cofo cofo
mega safo la mochiza safo safo Calderón
oiga, ya salió mi disco vaya y comprelo pirata
ayude a la disquera a que nos meta más la riata.
y safo enseñarle a manejar al del pesero
si vienes por acá cuidado cuando salgas
porque este país se maneja con las nalgas.
Yofo zafa fofo alofo nofo cofo cofo!

ja, "whatever", your english is screwed, altough, they are also a lot of regionalisms in the song. it basically means "Not me" or "I won't" because the lyrics could be traduced to "yo safo", Yofo is speaken in "F" s lenguage tha tmome use as censorship with small kids, only ading "F" in some points. and "shot" isn't a shot, it is actually "that is mine!" or "my turn" in mexican slang, so the song speaks about how people wants everything, but when they are asked to do something they say "uh, I won't, not me!" and it talks about pitatery, current mexican president, and friendships.
Fuck my world, I'm Mexican and I didn't get it as good as you did. I know about the "Zafo" thing, and about the "F" language, but I didn't know about the shot, I thought it was the shot, you know, the tequila one. And you're definitely right, talks about the president, piracy and friendship, they also talk about the life in Mexico. "Pesero" is a bus, but they call like that (in Mexico city, I live in Cancun) because it comes from fish, is like the people in the bus were sardines, the bus always takes more than 50 people, when the...
Fuck my world, I'm Mexican and I didn't get it as good as you did. I know about the "Zafo" thing, and about the "F" language, but I didn't know about the shot, I thought it was the shot, you know, the tequila one. And you're definitely right, talks about the president, piracy and friendship, they also talk about the life in Mexico. "Pesero" is a bus, but they call like that (in Mexico city, I live in Cancun) because it comes from fish, is like the people in the bus were sardines, the bus always takes more than 50 people, when the capacity is 30 or 40. And the guys dring the pesero are the worst drivers in the world, that why he says: "Zafo enseñarle a manejar al del pesero". Maybe you knew about this XD

buena cancioooon...lo mas divertido que he oido en mucho tiempo

Basically it means getting super hammered drunk with nothing but "shots", he mentions "shot que me carguen" translated "shots until they carry me" cause obviously he cant stand up. Yofo fo fo i think means that he is slurring his words. The rest of this song doesnt really make sense just matching words to rhyme basically. Overall its mosly about slamming drinks.
@whatever101: shot is an Anglicism, we took it from the American "Shotgun" for taking the front seat, but the mexican Shot can be aplied for everything. The examples in the song:
@whatever101: shot is an Anglicism, we took it from the American "Shotgun" for taking the front seat, but the mexican Shot can be aplied for everything. The examples in the song:
Shot ventana: I want to seat next to the window.
Shot ventana: I want to seat next to the window.
Shot adelante: Shotgun, or I want to seat in the co-pilots seat.
Shot adelante: Shotgun, or I want to seat in the co-pilots seat.
Shot que me carguen: I wanna be carried around, etc.
Shot que me carguen: I wanna be carried around, etc.
Safo is slang for "Not me". Examples from the song:
Safo is slang for "Not me". Examples from the song:
Safo el puto tráfico: Don't want to drive on this traffic jam.
Safo el puto tráfico: Don't want to drive on this traffic jam.
Safo que el obispo imponga su opinión: Don't want the...
Safo que el obispo imponga su opinión: Don't want the bishop imposing his opinion.
Mega Safo la mochiza: I REALLY don't like the fundamentalists catholics.
Safo safo Calderon: I dont like (Mexican President) Calderon.
Is just a fun song, no deeper meaning.

I don't speak any spanish but I love the song. So catchy and the video is pretty neat as well.

For those that don't get the message of the name of the song, "Yofo", means I, is Yo, the "fo" is like language we play in Mexico, we speak and we add something a syllable with F depending the vocal. For example: Ifi don'tfo likefi thisfi. In spanish would be: Afa mífi nofo mefe gusfu tafa esfe tofo. We called it the "F" language. Weird, right? Yup, we are weird, but you guys have really weird idioms too.