19 Meanings
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Explode Lyrics

I wanna explode
Watch me
I'm a lucky girl
See I
I like you
So won't you pay if you wanna go down

I love to watch you, honey
You need me, so let's see
What do you care, if you want to
Just pay, if you wanna go

Don't walk away
Don't walk away, love
Don't walk away
Don't walk away, love

I wanna touch you, slowly
I'm lonely girl
Come on
You want to
So won't you pay if you wanna go down

I'd love to hurt you
I've got you, Inside me
What do you care, if you want to
You should pay if you wanna go down

Don't walk away
Don't walk away, love
Don't walk away
Just stay right here

Why don't you pay if you wanna go?
You got to pay if you want some more (2x)
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Submitted by
stardustt On Jul 29, 2007
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

I've gotta say I pretty much agree with drkeyes on this one...I like to think it's about love. One girl is clearly into this other person, saying "I'm a lucky girl. See, I like you." And she wants that person to be committed to her hence: "so won't you pay, if you wanna go down?". It's like she's totally ready to be with this person, but just wants commitment because she's emotionally into them.

Just my two cents :p Awesome song!

Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

I LOVE this song. After reading the lyrics, I'm not convinced it's about a prostitute, it just sounds too sensual for that. I definitely agree with others who think the "pay" part has to do with something else -- foreplay, perhaps? Emotional connection? Cuddling? Commitment? Or a combination thereof? Either way, this song is incredibly beautiful and sensual.

Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

"paying" probably wouldn't be literal in this case. It's like she's saying, if you want to go down that road with me, you're going to have to pay the way I paid by watching/obsessing over you to no avail.

Song Meaning
Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

I guess if you think about "exploding" on the surface, it could simply refer to an orgasm and they could be talking about the literal act of "going down" on someone, but . . . it's never that simple, is it?

Could it be that the person singing is a secret admirer, who is possibly talking about the torture of not having that other person - wanting to explode from the tension of loving someone who doesn't know that you love them, wanting even to "hurt" the object of affection in the same sense that he/she is hurting the admirer, and keeping them "inside" in that they are always thinking about this person? I can just imagine the singer almost stalking whoever they are singing about, saying "don't walk away" in their head over and over. Obsession. Not just a perfume.

Song Meaning
Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

woah, i cant believe nobody commented on this song, it's their best.

Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

I've only heard this one and Say So so far... definitely love Explode the best. It's dripping with sensuality.

Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

i LOVE this song. indeed its wicked sensual. i actually think its about prostitution or something? or the "payment" of which they're singing could be of the emotional sort? i dont know, but leisha hailey is god.

Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

i think its sexy and its deffenatly between 2 girls

Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

I think by "pay" they mean: "return the favor and don't be a selfish bitch."


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Cover art for Explode lyrics by Uh Huh Her

The 1st time i heard this song i was like... ooh sexy! "I wanna touch you, slowly--I'm lonely girl--Come on You want to", I can't get these lyrics out of my head!