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(Come On) Let's Go! Lyrics

C’mon let’s go
I’ll find you waiting there
Beyond their violence dared
A light around your soul

You could be my friend
Lovely and different
Crushing up the stars above us
A guarantee to spoil our rot

Tears were once my only way back home
Someone speaks and instantly I’m cold

C’mon let’s go
C’mon let’s go
Beyond the great unknown
Beyond their punched-up skulls
To die upon this road

C’mon let’s go
C’mon let’s go

Anesthetized I’m hollow
Playing to the dark back row

C’mon let’s go
C’mon let’s go

Assimilate, it’s all been staged
I’ve made mistakes, they penetrate
They’re gonna take, it’s all the same
They cannot wait, their love spells hate

I wanna love
I wanna love
I’m pushing back
I’m serpentine
I’m pushing back

Lord save me
With need
Lord walk me home

C’mon let’s go
C’mon, c’mon let’s go

Tears were once my only way back home
Someone weeps and instantly I’m thrown

C’mon let’s go
C’mon let’s go
C’mon let’s go
Song Info
Submitted by
love.is.suicide On Jul 04, 2007
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10 Meanings

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Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

This song to me is about Billy's spirituality. He saying "Come on, let's go" to a place of peace and away from the "punched up skulls" of the people who are negative and still lost. He says "I wanna love" and "I'm pushing back", he is fighting off the hate. He also says "tears were once my only way back home" meaning he only could find peace once he had gone through turmoil. I love this song and the whole album. Siamese Dream does kick ass and It is always there for those of you who don't care for this album. Just don't listen to it and stay trapped in the past.

Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

i agree totally with what ChrislvSP said in regards to Siamese Dream. Heck, i think anyone whos ever heard of that album loves it. its fantastic. but it was released well over 10 years ago. alot has changed. Billy is no longer an angsty 20something year old, he is a 40yr old man. No artist sticks to the exact same genre. They would get bored shitless. its like a job, your still working but you may change occupation 3 or 4 times.

U2 released Achtung baby just 4 years after The Joshua Tree - those records sound nothing the same. If you like one album and cannot escape it then thats your choice. I happen to realy appreciate and adore nearly all of the Smashing Pumpkins songs off every bootleg bside and album. Billy is an awesome guitar player, composer and lyricicist.

I think this song could be for the fans who have always stuck by the pumpkins. the people theyare getting away from are the SP haters who once were there but have now gone leaving only punched up skulls and dark back rows (the past) he is saying lets go beyond the great unknown to places of spiritual and musical greatness, forget about all the 'haters' lets keep making and loving great music and keep loving life - don't let the bastards get you down.

Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

No one's commented yet?

This song is cool.

Come on, let's go.

Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

I find this song very similar to 7 shades of black, my second or third favorite off of Zeitgeist. Even though this may not be one of my favorites off of the CD, I thoroughly enjoy listening to it, especially the bridge part that shows up from time to time. Again though, not a particular fan of the lyrics, as I fins them a tad too angsty for my taste.

Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

I thought this was like a sequel to Perfect. Cuz it goes from 1979, Perfect, then to Come on lets go. Come On let's go, has the same feeling as the other two. You don't care you just want to go wherever and whenever. Just to waste time, and have fun with your friends. well, that is my take.

Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

Good but no where near as good as 1979 or Perfect! Not even in the same league but a good angsty song.

Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

what the hell man. a truckload of crap.

go listen to mayonaise. the whole of siamese dream pretty much kicked ass

Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

aw yeah, i loved siamese dream :)

Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

Figuring out the meaning of a song can be a very difficult thing to do, so I'm just going to tell what I think the song means and what it means to me.

This song is about trying to overcome the past, moving on with life, telling those you love home much you love them, and working hard to find happiness in a crazy mixed up world.

The riff is great, Billy's voice shines bright, Jimmy's drumming is as always fantastic, and the White Spider esque breakdown near the end of the song rocks.

This song really has a lot of emotional power and good feeling.

When I first bought Zeitgeist this was my jam!

It's so funny how every SP album has one song that really just becomes my jam for a year or two.

My Interpretation
Cover art for (Come On) Let's Go! lyrics by Smashing Pumpkins, The

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