Domination Lyrics
Legions of lost scream in pain
A million shattered destinies
All slowly drowning in tears of flame
Break the chains around your necks
Lick your wounds, you dogs of war
Raise your banners ever high
And ravage the Babylon Whore
Hail the horrors. On hell we sanctify
Ripping away at the core
A million lives unite as one
Smothering innocence, forevermore
Sounded by the drums of doom
March to this black heart of hate
Clawing, tearing, slashing
did the fire defined our fate.
Hail the horrors. On hell we sanctify
Burn all the Earth shore to shore
Open wide the gates of Hell
Defile the Babylon Whore
Hail the horrors. On hell we sanctify

This has to be the most brutal song Symphony X has ever recorded (with King of Terrors possibly in 2nd place).
Who else loves the diminished part in the middle with the awesome bass and piano groove?

The beginning of this song sound's alot the first level of Doom. Some one had to say it.

This song is about the rise of satan/the antichrist in the end times from Satans point of view.
It seems Symphony X likes to write songs from satans POV....
yeah the bass line is sweet, so is the breakdown in the middle.

definitely bad ass sounding. Great album too :)

Yup, since this whole album is linked pretty closely to Milton's Paradise Lost, this song is probably from Satan's POV (one of the main arcs). I think that this song pretty much sums up the whole "Better to reign in hell, than serve in heav'n" bit as he prepares his followers to help him wreak havoc on Earth.

As far as album structure goes, this song should be called "oh right, we have a bassist!"