Bros Lyrics
he didn't leave animal collective...
The vocal loop during the second half of the track is, "Tonight's the night that I'm going to ask her."
this song is absolutely amazing, and of course exemplifies the idea of friend v. relationship, but for gods sake lets not keep drawing parallels with the beach boys. i find that animal collective and their respective solo projects are much more inventive and original than what people keep relating them to.
The song is a dialogue (not necessarily literal, but could be) between two brothers, one older and one younger. I suppose it could be autobiographical but the general sentiments are vague and universal enough to be applicable to any sibling relationship.
Older brother's statement: "hey man what's your problem" through" "but i know that i'm trying" Younger brother's response: "i know myself" through "i want to hold on to you for always"
Change in POV made obvious by musical shift.
Bros is actually referring to him and his brother Matt.
This song is basically about Noah being concerned about his brother. He feels he isn't getting out there and living his own and having 'his own go' at things. He needs to break out of his shell. The lyric : "I'm not trying to forget you .. " is his brother Matt's response to Noah's concern. He just wants to be alone. He enjoys the company of himself. And despite Noah's objections, Matt thinks that he can be alright. Noah responds with "I mean no offense to you but grow up", telling him exactly how he feels. But being the great bro that Noah is, reassures him that he is only trying his best.
Noah's brother shares similar personalities with the new song of Animal Collective's new album, M.P.P. In "Brother Spot", he writes a song about his brother Matt and that he is too closed in his own world, unable to express himself, and can't let his thoughts came out.
From these 2 songs, we can conclude Noah is concerned for his brother's timidness, introverted personality, and anti social behavior. But Panda Bear reassures his brother that "i do love you and want to hold on to you for always"
Isn't that what BROS are for?
Well what if you have friends which you consider to be Bros? Though yeah, Brother Sport is would be more family member-matt-ish.
Well what if you have friends which you consider to be Bros? Though yeah, Brother Sport is would be more family member-matt-ish.
Wow nice work, a lot of time and effort went into this.
Seems like a dialoge to me.
well, i should admit these were taken straight off his myspace.
This entire album is amazing, but this is my favorite song from it..
Noah Lennox created a completely different sound than he had with Animal Collective, and basically re-created everything that was good about the Beach Boys, while adding some of the better penned songs I've heard in a while..
This entire album is amazing, but this is my favorite song from it..
Noah Lennox created a completely different sound than he had with Animal Collective, and basically re-created everything that was good about the Beach Boys, while adding some of the better penned songs I've heard in a while..