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Esos Sí Que Son Punkies Lyrics

Fabricantes de cacharros que se rompen en seguida.
Yo quiero que las cosas me duren toda la vida.
Editores de libros que no pagan a los escritores nada, nada,
si tú no lo has escrito, si tú no sabes ni coger el boli, nada, nada.

Esos sí que son punkies, esos sí que son punkies
Esos sí que son punkies.
Esos sí que son punkies, esos sí que son punkies
Esos sí que son punkies.

¡Cuidado con la grúa! ¡manos arriba! ¡esto es un atraco!
El alcalde ya ni disimula. ¡Hala! ¡A machete! ¡A saco!
Telefónica, este mes os pago con los mocos, nada, nada.
Me voy a comprar un tam-tam o haré señales de humo.

Esos sí que son punkies, esos sí que son punkies
Esos sí que son punkies.
Esos sí que son punkies, esos sí que son punkies
Esos sí que son punkies.

Grupos de moda que se te pegan a la suela del zapato.
Y la televisión, vaya puta mierda: sólo salen pelagatos
Me apetece un helado, pues vale, no pasa nada, nada, nada
Pero es que en el anuncio salía una mamada, una mamada, ¿por qué?

Esos sí que son punkies, esos sí que son punkies
Esos sí que son punkies.
Esos sí que son punkies, esos sí que son punkies
Esos sí que son punkies.
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2 Meanings

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Cover art for Esos Sí Que Son Punkies lyrics by Mamá Ladilla


Now Those Are Real Punkies

Manufacturers of pots that break instantly. I want things to last for my whole life. Book editors that pay the authors nothing, nothing, you haven't written it, you don't even know how to pick up the pen, nothing, nothing.

Now those are real punkies. Now those are real punkies. Now those are real punkies.

Careful with the crane! Hands up, this is a robbery! The mayor doesn't even hide it anymore. Hey! To machetes! Let's pillage! Telephone company, this month I'll pay you with snot, nothing, nothing. I'm gonna buy a tam-tam or I'll make smoke signs.

Now those are real punkies. Now those are real punkies. Now those are real punkies.

Fashion bands that stick to your shoe's sole. And the TV, what a fucking shit: there's only jackasses in it. I want some ice cream, well alright, nothing's wrong, nothing, nothing, But there was a party in the commercial, a party, why?

Now those are real punkies. Now those are real punkies. Now those are real punkies.

Cover art for Esos Sí Que Son Punkies lyrics by Mamá Ladilla

This was hard to translate...

I'm not sure on the last verse, about my translation of the word "mamada." In Mexico, "mamada" is slang for "blowjob," but I'm pretty sure in Spain any slang use of the verb has something to do with being drunk, so...

it definitely means blowjob in this song. in spain that word is hardly used for being drunk and it's almost always used in the sexual context.

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In Spain "mamada" is also blowjob. To be drunk would be "ir mamado". Better not to confuse this ;)

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