of the sheep the have fooled
and preach their code of conduct:
"You've gotta push that, push that product"
we'll live in fear, for coats they may sheer
the fleecing of a fleeting flock
you may have my wool, you may have my locks
but my voice you have not
my voice you have not
and labeled cheap and easy for a thrill
o' how you wish for just one taste of me
you sing your songs so prettily my dear, from out the lips you lick
They're on you like a rash
but I won't be led astray
(*"Ooh, we'll have you.")
Pay mind to those greedy people climbers
(*They say licking their lips at you)
They'll crush and they'll claw their way to the top
Your legs are just ladders to them
Your head's just another step man
On you like a rash
On you like a rash
and labeled cheap and easy for a thrill
You may have my wool
you may have my locks
but my voice you have not
o' how you wish for just one taste of me
you sing your songs so prettily my dear, from out the lips you lick
They're on you like a rash
but I won't be led astray

The song speaks of the lurid hold that the world has over us, or at least tries to obtain. The wolves wear our wool. The heartless winners of this dog eat dog world dominate us and wear our own locks. They may have control of your life, of your look, but your voice they can't take. The spoils of this world are tempting, becasue they hide their "fangs" well. In the end we are disposable. We are the oil that feeds the industry yet the industry defines us and neither the industry could be without us as their cheap thrill or could we be without the indsutry that gives us a "product to push". We are their sitting ducks, their easy target, they try to shoot us down for their own gain. It's almost like an elicit love affair with someone you know to be horrible, yet the image they present is so enticing that you may get caught up in it but then you proclaim that you won't be led astray.
It reminds me of that thought of imagening the amount of suffering and depravity that it takes to build up one person like Rockefeller. And the blindness and deception that it takes to capture people in a state that could only be described as Orwellian and of 1984 in nature.