65 Meanings
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The Dryness and the Rain Lyrics

First came a strong wind
Rippin' off rooftops like bottlecaps
And bending lamp posts down to the ground
Then came a thunder
Shattering my window
But you were not that strong wind
Or that mighty sound
That left the bar in shambles
The rabbit hutch in ruins
The split-rail fence splintered
And the curtains torn
All the cows out from the pastures
Trampling on the pumpkins
And the horses from their stables
Ambling in the corn

Isa ruhu-lah 'alaihis-salat was-salam

I've flown unnoticed just behind you like an insect
And I've watched you like a falcon
From a distance as you passed
You swoop down to be nearer
To the traces of your footsteps
To pick the fallen grain from the dirt
Beneath the crooked grass
And I'm going to take that grain
I'm going to crush it all together
Into the flour of a bread
As small and simple and sincere
As when the dryness and the rain
Finally drink from one another
The gentle cup of mutual surrendered tears

Come on!

A fish swims through the sea
While the sea is, in a certain sense
Contained within the fish!
Oh, what am I to think
Of what the writing
Of a thousand lifetimes could not explain
If all the forest trees were pens
And all the oceans, ink?

Isa ruhu-lah 'alaihis-salat was-salam

Nastagh-firuka ya Hakam
Ya Dhal-Jalali wal-Ikram
Isa ruhu-lah 'alalihis-salat was-salam
Ya Halim, ya Qahhar
Ya Muntaqim, ya Ghaffar!
La llaha ilallahu, Allahu Akbar!
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65 Meanings

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Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

alright.. I'm muslim so I went ahead and translated the prayer for you kids, well it's not really a prayer, it's a combination. some of it is, the other parts are basically from the 99 names of God in Islam. They are general names, they are beautiful:

Ask forgiveness from God The Majestic, Compassionate Jesus peace be upon him The Forbearing, the Subduer The Lord of Retribution (The Avenger), The Forgiver There is no God but God, God is the Greatest!

His lyrics are amazing. I'm loving this CD. I need a lot of time to look at the lyrics though.

Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

this is directed to the last comment posted. you my firend are the reason people don't want to be christians. im guessing your a baptist, which is fine. but your in your own world friend. you think just because this man doesn't say jesus and speaks other languages he know no christ! you are a typical american christian. you know no faith. to say the least you have no right to say someone is going to hell especially someone who is more of a christian than you will ever know. aaron wouldn't dream come on this site and bash another brother in faith. because it just may deminish their religion and steer them away. everyone is just one small word away from devoting their life and ending their life. so cheers mate, your just one more black eye for christians everywhere and one more reason why real christians are ashamed to say the word.

This was written a really long time ago. I really hope that you've adopted your behavior into your preaching by now. We teach with love, not frustration and condescension.

Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

a thought on christianity being based on many other religions. let's assume that Christianity is the one true way to God, that the bible is "God breathed" and that it's the story of His interaction with mankind, since creation. would you not assume that all of the other people on earth might have some interaction with the Jews and we would see some things in other world religions based on Christianity. why do we have to assume that Christianity is the copy? ooh, you got us, Jesus wasn't really born on Dec 25th.

Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

After trying to get the lyrics from this song, it really make me like it a lot more. I love the verse "a fish swims in the sea...", it's so fun with the clapping, it's great.

I tried my best with the lyrics, I think I did alright. The foreign language or whatever it is...forget it. We can wait for the CD to actually come out for that.

But yeah, the CD is great, love it. Can't wait to actually purchase it hah.

Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

at the ends it's --ambling in the corner, ---small, simple and sincere

I too love the fish verse and I'm sure that's from the bible somewhere, it's too genius for even him to come up with.

I would love to know what the arab chanting is saying it's really cool sounding.

"the fish swims in the sea..." is from a Sufi poet named Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī. The band references and quotes him ALL THE TIME, you should read some of his stuff, it's good.

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Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

Has the CD leaked or something, or is this from a live performance?

Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

a promotional copy is out.

Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

"a gentle cup of mutally surendered tears come On!"

Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

Just because of the scene these lyrics have painted in my mind and the context of it all, I think it's

You left the BARN in shambles, the rabbit hutch in ruins, the split rail that splintered and the curtains torn.

Cover art for The Dryness and the Rain lyrics by mewithoutYou

Trampling ON the pumpkins and the horses from their STABLES, GAMBLING in the corner.