Love Removal Machine Lyrics
Because she was there
A scarlet woman
She got me in fear
She said do all those things that you do to me
You know what I mean
Do all those things that you do to me yeah
You little fun remover love remover machine
Yesterday you blew my mind oh yeah
Having trouble with my direction
Upside down psychotic reaction
You little soul shaker love removal machine
You little love removal machine
You little fun removal love removal machine
You little fun remover fun removal machine
You little love removal machine
You little soul shaker love removal machine
Look out here she comes
Look out here she comes
Shake it don't break it baby
Shake it don't break it baby

There are times in a man's live, especially a young man's life, when he may find himself with an excess of "love" in his system. This usually harmless condition can cause discomfort and in severe cases painful swelling in the epididymis.
Treatment is simple, mostly involving the excess "love" being drained by an accommodating young Miss (usually). This song celebrates one such, who is so adept at this process as to be a veritable "love removal machine".
All of which sheds a certain light on The Cult's 1985 album, named "Love".
@paul946163 (standing on my chair, applauding !)
@paul946163 (standing on my chair, applauding !)

I'm inclined to go with charming man & ultimate. Lyric says "scarlet woman" , "red room", in lyric & lore, 'scarlet' is often referred to pro, or woman of the night. This woman relieved him of his tension built up in his nutsack. In doing so, there was no "love" associated with the act. Also, afterwards, he was satisfied, & had no more desire for any more sex, she becoming the " Love Removal Machine ". But that's my take. I speak from experience. My balls ready to explode, I checked onto a massage parlor, way back in 1979, at the age of 19. Laid down my $$$, & had a nice tall blonde (young) woman relieve me of my load. No love involved at all. She was also my love removal machine. I have never looked at females the same since. Kinda sad, but done already.

Great Song, almost as good as Firewoman, have no idea what it means though, any ideas?

..From the album "electric" - a very different sounding album than its predecessor "Love". The latter was a goth classic album whilst the former sounds like ACDC!
I had always assumed it was about having fun with a prostitute - no love or strings attached.

Like charming man said, it's about pretty much they've had good sex in a room, and probably a prostitute
@ultimatemusic Think the first verse is about prostitution and the second verse tries to tie to war and destruction in some bizarre way that is very disconnected.
@ultimatemusic Think the first verse is about prostitution and the second verse tries to tie to war and destruction in some bizarre way that is very disconnected.

He is only with her because he was scared of being on his own. And then she treats him like crap and removes any love he had for her by being a harpy. And the fun as well. Happens to us all. :D
Yay, the knowledge of hindsight!

to me its similar to The Wanton Song by Zeppelin. Groupie sex, he falls in love and she splits. Oh the duldrums of rock and roll.

This song is about the "red rooms" at the Brown night club that Brian Harvey exposed..change my mind .you can't

Always took it to mean the chick is a love removal machine because she's kind of crazy. Telling him to give it to her one day then he doesn't know which way is up with her the next "psychotic direction".
If you've ever dated a chick who is a little wacko you know what I mean. Crazy sex is awesome, but then you get the crazy chick the rest of the time. 😂

Pretty sure this song is about getting an abortion.