Milk and Honey Lyrics
Is the Autumn
Soft and tender
Are her skies
Yes and no
Are the answers
Written in
My true love's eyes
And Winter's coming
I think that I'll be moving along
I've got to leave her
And find another
I've got to sing my heart's
True song
The burning circle
All the seasons
One, two and three
Autumn comes
And then the Winter
Spring is born
And wanders free
Burns my Autumns
All too soon
They'd fade and die
And then
Aye, there were no others
Milk and honey
Were their lies

i love this song. i think it's really moving.
imo the song is about time passing and feelings changing. in the beginning, he is in love. he eventually realizes she is not right for him. he goes to find another but instead he finds freedom and at the end he knows there's no one left for him to love - no feelings remain, only death.

I agree with you heartwork.
Nick Drake does a cover of this song, too.

I may be wrong here but in my high-powered headphones I am hearing "lives" at the end rather than "lies." If this is correct, it would change a bit of the song's meaning.
@asSTARSfallx It is definitely Lies. Sorry to disappoint. The distinctive "v" sound is never uttered.
@asSTARSfallx It is definitely Lies. Sorry to disappoint. The distinctive "v" sound is never uttered.

I think this is about a man who has a woman, "Autumn", he somewhat likes her (yes and no) but thinks there are other women out there. They start to grow apart and he moves on to find someone who he thinks is better (winter), he has to leave Autumn because he has to be honest that Autumn isn't his true love. He is lulled to winter by her promises. Next it sounds like this has happened multiple times, he keeps needing to move on to someone better only to realize they aren't better. And by spring, he is all alone.
In the final part, he uses plural autumns, at the beginning it was singular. Gold and silver are the promises and things he sees in the women, but he realizes all of those only burns him since they are all lies and never end up coming true. Milk and honey were their lies, they promised him things that weren't so.