No Way Back Lyrics
Here's what Dave said about this song in an interview...
"It's like falling in love with someone and warning them like 'Just so you know there's no way back from here, this is it, this is the real deal'."
To me, this songs is about being sick of the current way of the world and all the corrupt politics, "no more left and right"(meaning how dems. and repubs. are on the same side anymore). Also, since he's fed up with all the beuracratic bull shit and corruption he finds comfort in a female companion. When he says "I'm fighting for you" he means he's fighting to "change the world for the better" for her and everybody else, but he may be realizing that no matter what he does things won't change (i.e. "things I can't repair"). Thus, he's breaking down to this girl because she's the only one who can comprehend his problems and understand what he's fighting for. She gives him hope and something to hang onto... something to fight for. In addition, he's saying that "there's no way back from here" because she joins him as his significant other and since she partakes in helping him (even if it is only comforting him and understanding his predicament and why he's fighting) there's no way out of the relationship she has with him. Also, I think "no way back from here" means that there is no way back from his quest to "die for the truth" but he "don't care" about that... he just wants to feel whole again and this girl helps him in his quest to "change the world for the better." Finally, "pleased to meet you say your prayers" means that he and his girl should and do pray for him to be able to succeed in his quest and to improve conditions in the world. Dave Grohl is Roman-Catholic, so this would make sense.
In closing, I'm probably totally off with all of this, but to me this is what the song means. More than likely that's not what Dave Grohl meant it to mean, but who knows, maybe it is. Either way, this is a great fucking song!
I really love this song. One of my favorites on CD 1.
I think that putting this song right after the first track on the CD was a great choice. this song does a good job of setting the mood for the rest of the album.
that riff is pretty sweet. I fell in love with the melody in the verses the first time I heard this song. For some reason it just gives me a feeling of nostalgia.
awesome tune.
I like this song, but does anyone else hear that weird 'ringing' sound? It's really apparent at about 0:20... I don't like it.
Not bad song. Quick riffs and lyrics, cool !
The ringing sound is defenetly ther, but you have to be looking for it. Listening to teh album for the first time, but this song isn't one of my favourites. Maybe it'll grow on me...
I agree with Childe.... great song for a kind of intro after-intro. Gets me pumped! It's appairent this song is about him warning this women he's just beginning a relationship with for whatever could come. Brilliant.
i kindof hear the ringing but im pretty sure that its a guitar in the bk ground strumming a chord once and letting it ring out
This is like foo fighters going greenday-like punk, man. Awesome.