Wear Your Love Like Heaven Lyrics
Scarlet fleece changes hue
Crimson ball sinks from view
Wear your love like heaven
Wear your love like heaven
Wear your love like heaven
Fill me with song
Allah! Kiss me once more
That I may, that I may
Wear my love like heaven
Wear my love like heaven
Wear my love like heaven
Color sky rose carmethene
Alazarian crimson
Allah! Fill me with song
Kiss me once more
That I may, That I may
Fill me with song
Allah! Kiss me once more
That I may, thatI may
All I have wished for will be
All of our race proud and free
Fill me with song
Allah! Kiss me once more
That I may, That I may

To me it means harnessing the only gift we are given, through which we are able to unite ourselves and the world around us. It means taking that gift and using it with the same perfection that God may have used it to create heavan - we to create a heavan on earth.
HEAVEN....not heavan, geeeee look it up!
HEAVEN....not heavan, geeeee look it up!

Since editing the lyrics on here is not working for me here are the correct lyrics:
Color in sky, prussian blue Scarlet fleece changes hue Crimson ball sinks from view Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love like) Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love like) Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love)
Lord, kiss me once more Fill me with song Allah, kiss me once more That I may, that I may Wear my love like heaven (Wear my love like) Wear my love like heaven (Wear my love) La-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Color sky, havana lake Color sky, rose carmethene Alizarin crimson Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love like) Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love like) Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love)
Lord, kiss me once more Fill me with song Allah, kiss me once more That I may, that I may Wear my love like heaven (Wear my love like) Wear my love like heaven (Wear my love) La-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la
Cannot believe what I see All I have wished for will be All our race proud and free Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love like) Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love like) Wear your love like heaven (Wear your love)
Lord, kiss me once more Fill me with song Allah, kiss me once more That I may, that I may Wear my love like heaven (Wear my love like) Wear my love like heaven (Wear my love) Carmine Carmine

i love that simpsons episode but i dont like the way it makes pot looks bad by tripping you out and shit.
thats what lsd and shrooms do not pot

The drug effects description is very likely true. And I'll admit I don't know much about the group Donovan (in fact I FIRST heard this song in that very simpsons episode talked about previously). But I'll take a stab and add my two cents.
Notice the singer talks about a bunch of different colors, and in the end he says "all our race..." ? I think he is making overtures towards the unity of all mankind. Of all races.
"Wear my love like heaven" - The heavans look down on all mankind, regardless of race or color. So if you wear your love LIKE that, you will love and respect all humanity. And while "All our race" could refer to one particulatr ethnicity, to me it sounds like he's talking about all the HUMAN race. Everyon being free and proud of who they are.
Just my take, maybe I'm being too optomistic...

"by Tony_P 5000 on 08-10-2005 @ 01:24:11 PM
He's actually on about taking marajuana and this is the effect that it has on him he goes into a world full of colours . "
hahahahahahahahahaa yeah okay. i wish pot did that.

It's "heaven", not "heavan". Jesus.

He's actually on about taking marajuana and this is the effect that it has on him he goes into a world full of colours .
Since when does pot change into colors around you? lol too much
Since when does pot change into colors around you? lol too much

Has anyone seen the simpsons episode where homer gets the medicinal marijuana? all the colors and shit when hes triping out and floats off to work. they have this song in the backround.... Once when i was bikeing home this summer from smoking weed when the sun was seting made it look like that and i started singing the song. i really do like donovan

those are some pretty interesting thoughts TsingTao.
Btw Donovan is just one person Donovan Leitch, and if your not familiar with him, you should definitely check out some of his other stuff

My parents were out of town so I lent my spare key to a friend so we could use it as a home base. I ended up not getting home one night, and apparently he and another friend got completely baked and came back to my room, where I'd left the CD player and lavalamp on. On the way home, the guest of my friend (an aquaintance of mine) had a flashback to a bad trip... they lay down on my bed, and apparently Donovan mellowed him the hell out. Donovan is my messiah.