Death of the Rock and Roll Asshole Lyrics

everybody do the burnout
everybody fuck yes
everybodys doing the burnout

and they're smarter and better
are they smarter or better

no you were wrong and you were robbed
stabbed in the back while being fed a backwards cause
you can dance to laughter
from a fraction of the whole
death to the rock and roll asshole
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Cover art for Death of the Rock and Roll Asshole lyrics by Transistor Transistor

'everybody do the burnout' i think this song has something to do with all of those macho men in rock 'n' roll that shoved their beliefs about education etc. onto the listeners. by 'burnout', they could be referring to a highschool drop-out.

'are they smarter or better' 'no you were wrong and you were robbed' there, they could be saying that all those macho men were never smarter than the listeners themselves and that by adopting the 'rock 'n' roll' lifestyle, the listeners were 'robbed'.

'stabbed in the back while being fed a backwards cause' there, they could mean the fact that all those macho men only shoved all those beliefs down the throats of the youth was because they knew it would sell. by buying in, the listeners were 'stabbed in the back'.

sounds cool. too bad i can't find it anywhere. :\