The Light That Blinds Lyrics
Fault line through your defenses
Illuminating the essence
Once clouded by a myth
Force-fed duality, I warp reality
As you remain hidden.
The light betrays,
casting your true self away,
They remain blinded.
I am further away
Gripped by a belief in empty words
Driven by a need to prove
But the fire burns eternal
The light that blinds
What burns inside
You remain blind
Behind the light

The beginning of this song reminds me of the real metallica and I think musically shadows fall is going back to the roots where all the new metal should be going. No more of this pussy shit.

that's all well and good, but what do you feel the song is about, this is the first album i bought out of boot camp and personally, i think it's amazing, this track i believe is about how religion can blind people to the obvious truth of what causes the pain around them.

I agree with sticktoyourguns that this song is about religion, but not so much about personal pain. I think this song is about people's internal denial of they spiritual beings they really are. I think in the first verse he is describing how he was awoken to truth, the myth being religion. Store-bought conformity refers to our denial of our individuality by trying to be like everyone else through purchased acquisions. Force-fed duality refers to being required to believe in religious doctrine (duality refers to this life v afterlife). I warp reality = i believe in things that are not true. (I = everyone)
The comfort you will find as you remain hidden = as long as you accept religious doctrine you may remain comfortable yet ignorant of the real truth of our spirituality.
The light = religious doctrine betrays = is a lie casting your true self away = religious doctrine when believed staunchly leaves no room to learn about and understand your true spiritual self They remain blinded = they'll never see the truth of what we really are
As vanity posseses me = my body/mind shell ego which thinks it is the true me but is not I am further away = my shell is not who I am, it is only the vehicle in which I travel through this world Gripped in a belief in empty words = the shell believes the myth Driven by a need to prove = the desire we naturally have to prove that indeed we ARE this shell
The shell may wither but the fire burns eternal = we are not this body, we are everlasting lifeforms of spirit
We will never find what burns inside = we can never understand our true nature You remain blind behind the light = as long as we continue to believe the myth of religious doctrine.
Great lyrics, only problem is the inconsistency with I, We and You. I tend to think he does not include himself with everyone else, yet his use of pronouns is mixed. Perhaps he fluctuates between believing and not believing the doctrines.

this song is fucking bad ass

personally this is one of the best recorded drum tracks bittner is crazy

great way to lead into an album with the acoustic guitar u don't know what do expect from these guys when u first hear the guitar but when that kick ass heavy metal guitar comes in u know that these hard ass rockers mean buisness

Shadows Fall truely has one of the greatest drummers ever, and this song proves it. This has to be on my top 10 song of all time. Anyways, I think it's about being brainwashed and lied to. You are being force fed bullshit you don't know what to believe in anymore, you don't what is the truth, or who is telling the truth. You then spread the lies onto others hence the "I warp reality" verse.

Best song on the album right here

The instrumentals at the beginning of this song sound so amazing that he almost spoils the song when he starts singing. Has to be one of the best intros to a song I think I've ever heard.

wow this is a good song