Zombie Autopilot Lyrics
I ran into this one yet unfamiliar tone i know i should have known it was
last night i knew i should have known.
Harmless. we meet increased demands. is this the life we all had in our dreams. our eternal nightmare
Hide behind our plans to nothing
All days are lost to conditioned zones. All days are lost to what we know free us.
A piece of mind. gone are dreamers
Who strive to know. all of us are blind

i like the intro.... beededidoo dedidoo duhdodidedadoodo.....

I think this song has to do with a doing the same things over and over again day after day and how it makes us become like Zombies. If you watch the video the guy in the video slowly becomes a Zombie in it. I have a feeling the ultimate meaning is about living life to the fullest and not become a slave or a zombie to our lifestyles being work or daily routines.

exactly.. if your conforming to a daily routine and doing the same thing over and over your nothing but a mindless drone... a zombie

Amazing song, one of my favourite songs ever. Hard to find the exact meaning behind the lyrics, so I wont bother. But words cannot describe how I love this song, the guitar solo is so brilliant and the ending always makes me shiver no matter how many times I listen to it.

really man i get shivers at the end too

I love this song, seeing Unearth live with Slipknot and Killswitch Engage was so killer
I think this song is about people being zombies and unaware of big problems in the world and then suddenly stapping out of their ignorance and realizing all of the issues in the world

Interesting. Yea I never really knew the meaning, but I've loved it anyway. Awesome solo, brilliant end.

Very In Flames sounding intro...i get the shivers in the "Bloodlust.." chorus...the sweeps...

The lyrics seem to be inspired by the poem "working on Wall Street" by May Swenson. It's great - check it out =)

i think it''s about people who are like zombies and walk like living dead and don't care about others