Live Like You Were Dying Lyrics
why is there so many comments sayin you "dont usually like country". i WAS like this where i said i dont like pop/r'n'b blah blah music. but you gotta open your mind for music. you miss out on too many great songs if you refuse to listen to music because it's from a certain artist or from a certain genre. sorry this is a bit of a rant but FOR GOD SAKE PEOPLE, OPEN YOUR MIND
I originally heard this song a while ago on a easy listening station while commercials were hoarding my usual stations. I thought it was a great song and, being from Philly, knew the meaning immediately, but it didn't take on a personal meaning until my own father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. He was diagnosed at 62 so he was older than Tug when he found out so he really couldn't do a lot of the things the song implies. However, the song does give a very optimistic view on how life should be viewed to make it better for everyone involved. My father died yesterday. He was always a Half-Empty kind of man, and never made anything simple for anyone but his grandbabies. I wish he could have lived like this so he could have enjoyed his last year to the fullest, and so the rest of us who loved him could have enjoyed spending time with him. My oldest brother said it best when we were in the ER. He said, out of nowhere mind you, " I wish dad had a Fu Manchu." Regardless of who wrote the song, the song itself was performed excellently, and the message was crystal-clear. Being negative and not enjoying life while it's still around is never healthy for you or anyone around you, so think before you act, and if, God forbid, you find yourself in this scenario, don't dwell on why, but act on all the things you wish you could've done before.
i can not believe no one has commented on this song i know it is self explnatory but thin about it has anyone fulfilled their life like they have wanted? this is so insperational nad a terrific song!!!!
This is a pretty good tune. Tim McGraw is awesome!
I love this song, I can only let myself listen to it every once in a while because if I hear a song too much I get bored with it. But I don't think this song can ever get boring to me. It is such a good song I love it!
I was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year and the doctors all thought i was going to die, I am in my late 20s. While I was nearing the end of treatment this song came out. Every word of it rang true to me.
The line is actually: "I went 2.7 seconds on a bull name Fu Manchu." :)
Incredible song...cried the first time I heard it. It's amazing how much of life we take for granted!
I first heard this song when i found out that my best friends dad had just died, i couldn't hold back the tears they just fell out uncontrollably, guess it shows how deep this song is, and it also makes you think about what you would do if you found out you were dying...i know ever since this song came out i thought about it. My dad died when i was four, and this song always makes me hope that he got a chance to live like he was dying.
In this song Tim is singing to his dad who passed away so he wrote this song about him. His dad was a professional baseball player named Tug McGraw.
this song is really sad but it really inspires you to live your life to the never know when you are going to what you want to and no regrets