Snowed Under Lyrics
this song is vocal about our attention to minute, insignificant details while completely missing out on the often bigger, optimistic picture. in our transition from childhood to adulthood, i think things shift from a black&white perspective to a dreary gray zone: our lives are ruled by the petty and meaningless (i usually interpret this as the opinion of others about you). we often don't move on from hurtful events or situations - unlike children who easily live and let go. maybe it's necessary to look at the bigger picture far often than we would want to.
The singer just came upon a grand realization: he doesn't need to take crap from this girl anymore. He doesn't have to take everything she says so seriously, nor does he have to let it get to him.
I don't know why I waste my time Getting hung up about the things you say When I open my eyes and it's a lovely day You know sometimes I feel like I'm Getting snowed under with the things you say When I open my eyes and it's a lovely day
Instead of getting hung up (or snowed under) by what she says and does, he's ready to dig out from under all that snow and see the light of a lovely day.
This song really helped me through a trial just like that.
to me this song is about a guy talking to himself. he was avoiding to be who he really is, not showing his real personality because he was afraid of being rejected by society but when he starts to show who he is, realises that there's nothing wrong about him, and now regrets what he could've done , and that fear that paralysed him for so long and filled him of pesimism now is gone
so for me it's about a new version of this person talking to his former self
Hey this is my first time posting...So here goes... Well I think this song is pretty easy to understand and to relate to. Its about a guy who likes a girl (wow big suprise) and he's probably known her for some time now and has been obsessing over her. Then one fine day he realises the futility of everything and that he should just move on... Well thts my take on it...wht do u think?
This is probably about a boy that was once in love with a girl but she's changed. he doesnt want to listen to her yapping. he feels very cramped with her all the time. he's covered under snow. which is a very horrible cold feeling sometimes. so he doesnt see the point in seeing her anymore. when its a lovely day you dont want to hear nonsense. I don't know why I waste my time Getting hung up about the things you say When I open my eyes and it's a lovely day You know sometimes I feel like I'm Getting snowed under with the things you say When I open my eyes and it's a lovely day
Life is beautiful and you shouldn't need it to be anoying, so when it's a lovely day, you know you want to keep it that way.
Being snowed under must be a terrible feeling. When you feel that you've been treated badly you might think that you can't dig your way out of your unhappiness. But after many years the person has finally woken up, or 'opened my eyes' to realise that you don't have to do this to yourself, because the world is full of beautiful things and life is too short to be wasted on being unhappy.
The other person wants someone to 'understand their hopes and fears,' but in the process they might've been blind to other people's feelings, or they could've taken out their frustrations on the singer even though the singer has beared with it for many years.
Happiness doesn't come to you automatically but if it does you are blessed. If you can't find it in one place then seek it elsewhere, and if you stay positive you will find it =)
I love this song, the lyrics are so good and the meaning really deep. For me is that this guy really loves the girl, but she doesn't care for him and then he realizes that he doesn't have to take crap from her. Great song from Keane.
This is really a good one from Keane...
"I don't know why I waste my time Getting hung up about the things you say When I open my eyes and it's a lovely day You know sometimes I feel like I'm Getting snowed under with the things you say When I open my eyes and it's a lovely day"
Tom Chaplin says it right...
Love this song, I've related to it many a time. It's about when you really get fixated on a person and you really have feelings for them and they confuse you or say something hurtful and that momnt that you have the realization that you are putting yourself through so much more strain than you need to be. "Getting hung up about the things you say.. When I open my eyes and it's a lovely day!"
Eventually you realize that this person is just looking for someone who will understand them and has nothing to offer you... you realize that you have to end it. "We love to think about the way things were... But the time has come and I'm glad it's over."
getting out of a bad relationship, realizing you're better off :) happy song