Forever Blue Lyrics
She walks away, you're left to stay.
Alone forever blue.
Each days the same, more clouds more rain.
You're left forever blue.
You did your best, life did the rest.
You're left forever blue.
New tears to cry, old songs to sing.
And feel forever blue.
And be forever blue

One of my all time favorites. If you like sad albums then you must buy this one for sure. It was written after the breakup of him & his girlfriend. None of his other albums compare to this one, which Makes me wish he would have had at least one more drastic breakup so as to serve my needs.

hits it close to home "Forever blue 'cause you love her, but she doesn't love you You did your best, life did the rest Your left forever blue"

The meaning of this song is pretty obvious... Someone you love so much leaving you because they just don't feel the same towards you. He is left forever lonely because she was the one for him and now she is gone. I get a warm fuzzy feeling after listening to this song because even though it is so sad, it is also so beautiful. His voice is so sexy/beautiful/chilling in the accoustic version.

No song encapsulates the heartbreak of not getting the girl you truly love the way this does. I hope he knows that people have connected with the pathos involved in writing this kind of song, and we feel a little less alone because he did.