Blank Baby Lyrics

You might say someone else said it
Someone somewhere better than I-I-I
You might see someone taking pictures
You can't put them back and I'll tell you why

Cause even when originals are dead
Something still put that idea in your head

You might hear someone else singing
This very same song
I can't slap on nasty handcuffs
Or scold like a lawyer saying "Wrong wrong wrong"

Cause even when the copyrights are fixed
A genuine thief has got a bottomless bag of tricks

I was born a blank baby
And the world is here to fill my head
I'm still a blank baby
But the world would rather see me dead
I was born a blank baby
And the world is here to fill my head
I'm still a blank baby
But the world would rather see me dead

You might find a painting in a studio
Might test the paint to find it's wet
Start scraping down as deep as you can go
Until it's blank as you can get

Cause even when the paint is dry
You can just erase it all by rolling back your eyes

I was born a blank baby
And the world is here to fill my head
I'm still a blank baby
But the world would rather see me dead
I was born a blank baby
And the world is here to fill my head
I'm still a blank baby
But the world would rather see me dead

They'd rather see me dead
They'd rather see me dead
See me dead
They'd rather see me dead

You might hear someone else singing
This very same song
I can't slap on nasty handcuffs
Or scold like a teacher screaming "Wrong wrong wrong"
Cause all of the originals are dead

I was born a blank baby
And the world is here to fill my head
I'm still a blank baby
But the world would rather see me dead
I was born a blank baby
And the world is here to fill my head
I'm still a blank baby
But the world would rather see me dead

They'd rather see me dead
They'd rather see me dead
See me dead
They'd rather see me dead

You'd rather see me dead
Song Info
Submitted by
xturricanx On Jun 04, 2004
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Cover art for Blank Baby lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

I'm surprised no ones commented on this PUSA song.

To me is sounds like its about copyright.

@lolomgrofl It's definitely about copyright, but also about how ideas for songs can come from other songs. Also the music in the verses sounds really close to Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant.

Cover art for Blank Baby lyrics by Presidents of the United States of America, The

I think it's mainly about nothing being absolutely original. We're all exposed to music and literature and films and culture, so we can't ever create something truly original. The world fills our heads, and we can't help but be influenced by it. And it's OK!
