20 Meanings
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This Magnificent Bird Will Rise Lyrics

The trumpet scatters its awful sound
Over the graves of all lands
Summoning all before the throne

Death and mankind shall be stunned
When Nature arises
To give account before the Judge
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20 Meanings

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Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

the biblical reference is deffinitely true. its a verse from a 14th century hymn Dies Irae which actually says...

The trumpet, scattering its awful sound Across the graves of all lands Summons all before the throne.

Death and nature shall be stunned When mankind arises To render account before the judge.

deerhoof just changed it around a little.

All translations change words around. That's how words work.

Also, I don't think it's their translation.

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Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

I should also note the key thing about this song is not necessarily how the drums and guitar stand alone but their relationship with each other; the spastic, jerkiness of the guitar juxtaposed with the primal, visceral nature of the drumming.

Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

Since there were literally zero places online to find deerhoof lyrics at the time of this writing, and since deerhoof is my favorite current band, I thought I'd help the world out by putting up some of their songs. (Perhaps I'll add more at some point?) Until then, definitely check them out -- experimental pop/rock/sometimes noise, with a cute little girl from Japan on vocals.

Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

i second that motion.

Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

i second that motion.

Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

You are fucking awesome.

Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

thannk you roboluncheon

Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

thank you very much roboluncheon <3

Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof

either i'm less than three, or i'm being loved. thank you all.

Cover art for This Magnificent Bird Will Rise lyrics by Deerhoof


The trumpet scatters its awful sound Over the graves of all lands summoning all before the throne Death and mankind shall be stunned When Nature arises To give account before the Judge

also, i think this lyric has to do with the demise of existence as we know it, or rather the earth and subsequently, mankind. i think it means that no matter how badly we try to change things, nature will have the final say.