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Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner Lyrics

Drink down that gin and kerosene
And come spit on bridges with me just to keep us warm
Then light a match to leave me be
Light a match to leave me be

I keep my jealousy close cause it's all mine
And if you say this makes you happy then I'm not the only one lying

Keep quiet
Nothing comes as easy as you
Can I lay in your bed all day
I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake
The hand behind this pen relieves a failure everyday
Keep quiet
Nothing comes as easy as you
Can I lay in your bed all day
I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake
The hand behind this pen relieves a failure everyday

And I keep my jealousy close cause it's all mine
And if you say this makes you happy then I'm not the only one lying

Drink down your gin and kerosene
And come spit on bridges with me just to keep us warm
Then light a match to leave me be
Light a match to leave me..


So wear me like a locket around your throat
I'll weigh you down
I'll watch you sulk
You look so good in blue

You look so good in blue
So wear me like a locket around your throat
I'll weigh you down
I'll watch you choke

You look so good in blue
You look so good in blue
So wear me like a locket around your throat
I'll weigh you down

I'll watch you choke
You look so good in blue
You look so good in blue

[Chorus 2x]
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215 Meanings

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Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

hmmm….I think I have a slightly different take on this song… l try to break this down by verse as the repetition makes it a bit confusing Drink down that gin and kerosene, and come spit on bridges with me. Just to keep us warm. A new way of saying an old phrase. Here, unlike others who have posted, I believe the speaker intended this verse NOT to be taken literally. Though the “getting drunk and playing with fire” I guess makes sense, I think it makes more sense if taken figuratively. I think the speaker is saying that he is burning down his bridges with this girl. For those who are not familiar with what “burning bridges” is, it is a common metaphor that means to eliminate the possibility of return or retreat. So in this case, he is purposely taking action to ensure that there will be no way to regress back to his relationship with this certain someone. Which leads to the next verse…

Then light a match to leave me be. Light a match to leave, me be. And I keep my jealousy close, 'cause it's all mine. And if you say this makes you happy, then I'm not the only lying. This verse seems to hold some contradictions. The speaker is clearly in some conflict with his feelings for this girl. In the first two lines he says he wants be left alone. Then he goes on to say “he keeps his jealously close”, his jealousy concerning this girl, because “its all mine”…this one I’m not sure on but could be interpreted as the girl has cheated on him and now that it’s over and she moves on to another guy all he is left with is jealousy, something that he feels is ALL his, which the girl wasn’t. He then says that all that he has done to get away from this girl hasn’t made him happy, and he thinks that she isn’t happy about it either. Keep quiet, nothing comes as easy as you. Can I lay in your bed all day? I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake. The hand behind this pen relives a failure everyday. Not entirely sure on this one either. But my best guess is that despite his further statements of being left alone he now wants to be “her best kept secret and biggest mistake.” He realizes he hates the way things are and wants her back in a way as his attempts to forget her proves useless. So wear me like a locket around your throat. I'll weigh you down; I'll watch you sulk. You look so good in blue. You look so good in blue. Probably without a doubt the most powerful and memorable lines. Another one meant to be taken figuratively. Basically the guy asking the girl to take him back knowing that he’ll weigh her down and eventually end up choking her. If you read between the lines you’ll get it. “I’ll wear you down, I’ll watch you choke”=he’ll only bring her down. “you look so good in blue”=here I think “blue” is not to be taken as “sad” or wearing the color. But is more a play on words. This phrase is usually taken literally as a compliment, but in context-he’s emotionally/mentally choking her and she’s “turning blue” and he doesn’t care. In all I think this song is basically a post relationship. The whole love-hate inner conflicts- for that person we once loved who fucked us over and we now love to hate. I’m not sure if what I have just written has made sense to anyone, hopefully it has. It was hard to put into words.

thank you synaspeTOsynapse. finally someone who realizes that blue is figuratively. i loved your definition of this song, couldn't have put it better myself.

Not Valid

Yeah, reading these comments, I couldn't believe nobody got that sooner - the whole 'figurative choking and turning blue' line.

Not Valid

Bravo, what a wonderful explanation. I think this is spot on.

Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

I'm gunna attempt to explain what I think this song means..

Uhmm.. I think it's about him being in love with a girl who already has a boyfriend but he's telling her it's okay to cheat on her boyfriend with him because he loves her and he wants her even if he can't have her permanently, he wants her for a little while. And by saying "I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake" he's saying that he won't tell anyone about them and that she'll probably regret being with him later but it doesn't matter right now because he loves her so much..?

I don't know. I'm most likely wrong but I think that's what it means.

Brilliant song.. my absolute favorite. It's sooo amazing. :)

Fall Out Boy <33333

Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

I have to say that I don't like how fall out boy turned out to be today :( But I love this song and their old stuff! I wanted to point out the part where he says "Wear me like a locket around your throat, I'll weigh you down and I'll watch you choke. You look so good in blue. You look so good in blue" is obviously referring to how she looks good when she can't breathe since you know how people that are suffocating turn blue or something like that hahaha. I'm guessing he wants to see her choke after what she's done to him and he's enjoying it. A little sadistic but hey :) And this song seems like a story of a relationship to me, how at first everything was excellent and great but one little mistake ruins everything. I don't know, just what I'm thinking!

Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

My Idea: Lines 1-3: They’re both “burning down bridges”; there’s no turning back from what they’re doing 4-5: he’s worried she’ll ‘light a match, their bridge will be burned down’ and she will leave him 6-7: He’s jealous of her other guy, but he’s the only one jealous. She has nothing to be jealous of 8-9: She can’t be happy cheating on her boyfriend, he can’t be happy with her having a boyfriend. If they say they’re happy, they’re both lying 10-11: Don’t say anything that will ruin it; it seems too easy 12: he’ll ‘hide in her bed’ so no one knows, but he’ll always be there for her 13-14: she’s not gonna tell anyone about him, it’s obviously a mistake to cheat on her boyfriend 15: as he’s writing this song he’s remembering the failure, a failure cuz she has a boyfriend and won't leave him So wear me like a locket around your throat. I'll weigh you down; I'll watch you choke. He’s weighing her down with guilt so much that it’s as if she’s choking You look so good in blue. You look so good in blue. blue as in turning blue from choking; He’d rather have her like this than not at all.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

Drink down that gin and kerosene,HIM AND THE GIRL ARE OUT HAVIN FUN and come spit on bridges with me.BUT BY DOING THAT HE IS RUINING HIS CHANCES WITH HER LATER Just to keep us warm.BUT HE DOESNT WANNA BE ALONE

Then light a match to leave me be. Light a match to leave, me be.AND THEN AFTER ALL THAT SHE IS GONNA GO BACK TO HER BF And I keep my jealousy close, 'cause it's all mine.BUT HE HIDES HIS THE FACT THAT HE IS JEALOUS And if you say this makes you happy, then I'm not the only lying.AND IF SHE SAYS THAT SHE IS HAPPY HIDING HIM THEN SHE IS LYIN TOO

Keep quiet, nothing comes as easy as you.THIS IS WHERE THEY ARE ACTUALLY HAVING THE AFFAIR Can I lay in your bed all day? I'll be your best kept secret HE'S A SECRET CAUSE SHE IS CHEATING and your biggest mistake.AND SHE IS GOING TO REGRET IT LATER The hand behind this pen relives a failure everyday.TALKING ABOUT HIM WRITING THE SONG



Adequate, but the whole "Hand Behind This Pen Relieves a Failure Everyday", thats masterbation. E.g., lonliness.

Not Valid

well.. I think that was a really good interpretation.. but as for the "hand behind this pen" line I feel like it could mean one of two things, depending on if its really "relives" or "relieves" a failure everyday.. if its really relieves, then I agree with the above comment (I always thought thats what he was singing in the song..) AKA the only way he can relieve his loneliness at all is by that, BUT, if it's really "relives" like it says in the lyrics.. I was thinking more along the lines that him having this affair or even...

Not Valid

That's great! Good job, enjoyed that.

Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

now this is sex on a stick

hahahahahahahaha..oh yeah..

Not Valid
Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

This song is great, but this site IS called Song Meanings. No one really tells people what they think the song is about. I really dont' know what this song is really about. He sings "Can I lay in your bed all day? I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake." But then at the end of the song he says "So wear me like a locket around your throat. I'll weigh you down; I'll watch you choke. You look so good in blue." I'm confused...I don't know if I'm going crazy and I don't know what this song means or if it's because it's 2am...I dont' know. Someone please explain!

Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

I am gonna take a swing at the meaning of this song.........

Drink down that gin and kerosene, and come spit on bridges with me. Just to keep us warm.

Then light a match to leave me be. Light a match to leave, me be. And I keep my jealousy close, 'cause it's all mine. And if you say this makes you happy, then I'm not the only lying (Maybe these are two people getting drunk, setting fires and enjoying themselves. Then light a match leave me be must be her leaving him alone, and maybe hes jealous of something, maybe she has another guy. Then when she saying she happy shes really not and he knows this.)

Keep quiet, nothing comes as easy as you. Can I lay in your bed all day? I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake. The hand behind this pen relives a failure everyday. (Keep quiet, maybe they are having sex or something, and they are lying in her bed and he just wants to lay there. Maybe shes cheating on a guy with him here. Then afterwards he must right about it.)

So wear me like a locket around your throat. I'll weigh you down; I'll watch you choke. You look so good in blue. You look so good in blue. (Maybe he wants her to keep him in mind, and wants her to feel guilty. Then he wants to see the relationship blow up in her face. Then you look so good in blue is either she looks good in blue, or she is blue because shes sad and he likes to see her that way.)

Welll thats just my opinion.

Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

Alright, I seem to have this strange thought about this song that I can't get out of my head. We watched a movie in a class of mine called "Bringing Up Baby" not a wonderful movie, but also not completely horrible. anyways.. I'm convinced that the title of this song has SOMETHING to do with the movie.. and in my head, it makes sense. The movie (for most of you who probably haven't seen it) is about a guy who's supposed to marry this girl, but he ends up meeting some other girl like, the day before the wedding while he's doing work stuff and he keeps meeting up with her and pretty much it ends up that she won't let him marry the other girl because she's in love with him and he later realizes he's in love with her too and dumps his fiancee. SOOO... like someone said earlier, this song is about him being in love with another girl who already has a boyfriend (like how the girl fell in love with the guy that had a fiancee). ummm.. so yeah.. that's my crazy interpreatation.. if anyone else has seen the movie, let me know if makes sense.. lol This song is amazing though... "you look so good in blue" and "the hand behind this pen relives a failure everyday" yep.. i have no words to explain how wonderous it is..

www.purevolume.com/model15 www.purevolume.com/emily

Cover art for Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner lyrics by Fall Out Boy

Alright, I seem to have this strange thought about this song that I can't get out of my head. We watched a movie in a class of mine called "Bringing Up Baby" not a wonderful movie, but also not completely horrible. anyways.. I'm convinced that the title of this song has SOMETHING to do with the movie.. and in my head, it makes sense. The movie (for most of you who probably haven't seen it) is about a guy who's supposed to marry this girl, but he ends up meeting some other girl like, the day before the wedding while he's doing work stuff and he keeps meeting up with her and trying to get away from her and pretty much it ends up that she won't let him marry the other girl because she's in love with him and he later realizes he's in love with her too and dumps his fiancee. SOOO... like someone said earlier, this song is about him being in love with another girl who already has a boyfriend (like how the girl fell in love with the guy that had a fiancee). ummm.. so yeah.. that's my crazy interpreatation.. if anyone else has seen the movie, let me know if makes sense.. lol This song is amazing though... "you look so good in blue" and "the hand behind this pen relives a failure everyday" yep.. i have no words to explain how wonderous it is..

www.purevolume.com/model15 www.purevolume.com/emily

@TdramaSummerL nobody puts baby in a corner is a line from the movie Dirty Dancing