Rocket Collecting Lyrics
Hidden from all memory
Bathed in outrage and rust
Waiting for you and me
To own it
Watch you as you douse the ceiling
Light up all the evil dreams
Till they ignite screaming into the night
And we run away clean
I wish I was half electronic
The last shreds of skin are in the sweet sunlight
And I've turned into this smiling, snarling monster
As I watch the walls descend
As I watch the walls descend like stars
I reach your island at night
Washed up tangled on these stones
A gorgeous wreck crashing
To lay here for the next 600 years
The storm will play out there for miles on every side
So tell me who's got the dominoes
But you'll have to leave your lightning outside

Fantastic song with a haunting melody. The meaning is kind of hard to discern, but I'll try my hand. It's probably completely wrong, lol.
K, so these people harness their anger (which has been lying dormant for so long), and use it to fight away all of the enemies that are keeping them in ("douse the ceiling/ Light up all the evil dreams"). The main person finds the whole thing euphoric, and rises up above all of the walls that held her prisoner for so long ("as I watch the walls descend like stars"). She realizes that she's become a monster, but doesn't really care. Afterwards, her and the other person are alone together, all of her anger is spent, and she's a complete wreck, but I get the feeling that she doesn't mind all that much. The other person is her rock, or "island". The battle that she fought in is still raging, but she's completely out of it, just like she wants to be ("leave your lightning outside"). They were the weeds of society, but now have fought against whoever/whatever that was keeping them there and have risen to the top.
Ok, that was inarticulate as hell, but I hope you get my point. Does anyone know what she is saying about a little past half way through the song? It's muffled and I can't understand it.
I think she's listing the names of stars or something.
I think she's listing the names of stars or something.
"... Proxima Centauri... GX Andromeda... Sirius... Aquarius... G51-15... Antares..."
"... Proxima Centauri... GX Andromeda... Sirius... Aquarius... G51-15... Antares..."
Well a couple of those are constellations...
Well a couple of those are constellations...
I couldn't catch a few of those. Still. Fantastic song =).
I couldn't catch a few of those. Still. Fantastic song =).
Yeah, and that fits in with the whole "like staarrsss" thing.
Yeah, and that fits in with the whole "like staarrsss" thing.

heard it on the "underworld" soundtrack and fell in love with it and then almost a year later I found out it was Milla the actress... she's a great songwriter

There's no doubt that the vocal, industrial, and instrumental applications work extremely well with one another. But finally seeing the lyrics, I am confused as ever. Was she just putting random lines together? I see no semblance or ongoing theme in the lyrics or chorus other than wishing to change.
I wish more people would clarify this, it's a strange, yet haunting song. I still like it though.

Every interpretation is individual, so I try my best:
It's basically a space ship trip, wich stands for ...[insert personal goal/drea] reaching something important to you... something like that. And how the way to getting there is hard and full of ... you know... hardness. But at the end you will way out harder and wiser! Laughting in the face of the storm!
I'm austrian, so please excuse my english.
Rocket collecting dust
outer space / universe ... seen from distance it looks like piles of dust... and it sure is rocket collecting I think it's not the rocket, wich is collecting dust, because then the song 'd be titled rocket...probably.. and it's about the collecting of rockets
Hidden from all memory
this one is hard... it's about that we don't think about it, that we are a part of the universe, but we are or we have forgotten that we come from outer space/ are made from it
Bathed in outrage and rust
there is always a lot of outrage about the universe... and rust? well, it's old i think
Waiting for you and me To own it
the universe is waiting for us to conquer it!
Watch you as you douse the ceiling
you just started your rocket and you are now breaking threw the clouds
Light up all the evil dreams Till they ignite screaming into the night
so, when a rocket is breaking threw the clouds there are flames around the rocket, friction-heat and stuff this is the point of a rocket-flight i could imangine, where it's most probably that something goes wrong but the flames are all your EVIL DREAMS and they are burning until THEY IGNITE SCREAMING ... the loud sound of the burning-fast rocket
And we run away clean
and after you're threw, in space, the rocket is clean again... cleaned of all the bad things that could have happend
[CHORUS] I wish I was half electronic The last shreds of skin are in the sweet sunlight
so with your "rocket" you managed escape from friggin' earth you just got there with the help of your technology wich makes you wish to be also "electronic", a mashine, wich is abe to do such great things and you are but a human
And I've turned into this smiling, snarling monster As I watch the walls descend As I watch the walls descend like stars
you have done it! you reached your goal and left the world/walls/problems behind you watch them disapear/descent you feel powerful, more powerful, than ever in your life perhabs?
this now is highly speculative: in the past you've had some monster/problems chasing you, they had power over you because you feared them. now you are above them. they can't reach you. you are now a monster. that makes you smile
Half submersed I reach your island at night
so after some hard travel you reach HIS (= your goal, important person, something like that... don't really know) island
Washed up tangled on these stones A gorgeous wreck crashing To lay here for the next 600 years
you are exhausted by your travel, can't move any more
for me it's still a calmed, rlaxed and happy feeling... i'll explain later
The storm will play out there for miles on every side So tell me who's got the dominoes But you'll have to leave your lightning outside
so the dang (solar)-storm is raging!!! but you know you can't do anything about it. you are finished. but you have accomplished so much!!! that's why you keep your cool and tell the raging storm: "You know what? We will be hanging here together for a long time... so bring out the dominoes" "so we can play a little. wasting time. But if you do, don't stress around! and keep your lightings by yourself!"
The weeds reach the top of the trees
Time goes by.
at the end, you are finished, can't move anymore. But that dosn't make you sad. No. You have reached your goal. You left so many things behind! Be satisfied with what you achiefed! You have come so far.
This sounds like a happy song now? Well the melancoly for me is still ther, because you end up finished, can't move. And the way is hard. Leaving everything behind is hard. Gonig all the way alone is har. Just you and the stars.
As eterNexus pointed out it's stars: my guesses have been: Proxima Centauri... ?Peppermint star?... Prosarion... GX...Andromeda... Sirius... Aquarius... ?shoe?... G51/15...Antares... F????......

Great vocals, great instrumentals.. wacky lyrics. Like, it very literally seems like she mixed-and-matched random sentences that came into her head.
"The storm will play out there for miles on every side So tell me who's got the dominoes But you'll have to leave your lightning outside"
She and her friends can't go out on account of the storm, so they decide to play with dominoes to pass the time. No lightning allowed? :P
But yeah I agree, wanting to change is the main theme. Stellar song, Milla. <3

A german translation. I thought it was easier to understand for me, translated:
Deutsche Ãœbersetzung:
Raketen sammelnder Staub [sic: Weltall], Verborgen vor all der Erinnerung, Gewaschen in Aufregung und Rost. Wartet auf dich und mich, Ihn zu besitzen. Beobachtet dich, wie du in den Himmel eintauchst. Dabei erhellen sich all deine bösen Träume, Bis sie schreiend sich entzünden, In die Nacht hinein. Und wir gereinigt entfliehen.
[chorus:] Ich wünschte ich wäre halb elektronisch. Die letzten Fetzen Haut sind im süßen Sonnenlicht. Und ich wurde zu diesem lachenden, knurrenden Monster, Als ich zu sah, wie die Mauern fielen, Als ich zu sah, wie die Mauern fielen, wie Sterne.
Zur Hälfte gesunken, erreiche ich deine Insel in der Nacht. Angespült, verwirrt an diesen Steinen. Ein prachtvolles Wrack, zerschmettert, Um hier zu liegen, für die nächsten 600 Jahre. Der Sturm wird über Meile [sic: sich erstreckend] hier draußen spielen, auf beiden [sic: allen] Seiten. Also sag mir [sic: zum Sturm]: Wer hat Dominosteine? Doch du musst deine Blitze draussen lassen.
Das Unkraut erreicht die Kronen der Bäume.
[Namen von Sternen]: Proximus Centauri... ?Peppermint star?... Prosarion... GX...Andromeda... Syrius... Aquarius... ?shoe?... G51/15...Antares... F????......
Sterne, Sterne... Sterne, Sterne... Sterne, Sterne... Sterne, Sterne...
[Milla flüstert Dinge.]