8 Meanings
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False Light Lyrics

Come down on me, my sweet angel
Poison milk from that withering breast
Come down on me sweet suffocation
Poison milk from that withering breast

Your mask is drifting
See what writhes beneath

Porcelain grin is cracking, incest to uncoil
Your laugh spreads yawning, black hole formation

Drown and the first real breath takes hold
Washed in a chill so peaceful, sink further

Hold his hand and crush it

The depth of the charm is infinite
Discover bliss and serenity in drowning
Song Info
Submitted by
disposition_987 On Apr 17, 2004
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8 Meanings

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Cover art for False Light lyrics by Isis

it's "chasm", not "charm" in the last stanza. I always wondered why charm had two syllables... shame on you!

Lyric Correction
Cover art for False Light lyrics by Isis

That's accurate. Listen to the man himself (Aaron Turner) explain it on this radio show:


It's about halfway through.

Cover art for False Light lyrics by Isis

Apparently, the album tells a story of a man suffering from depression, and falls in love a woman who changes this. But he still feels theres something wrong, and eventually finds out that the woman had incestual relations with her brother, which he cant take so he drowns himself in the ocean.

Not sure if thats entirely accurate, but this is the best concept album ive ever heard.

Cover art for False Light lyrics by Isis

That's accurate. Listen to the man himself (Aaron Turner) explain it on this radio show:


It's about halfway through.

Cover art for False Light lyrics by Isis

wow, well. that's tough stuff but an interesting thing to know. i like my interpretation better cause it's my interpretation of lyrics and music together, but reading the lyrics again i admit that yours might be more accurate.

Cover art for False Light lyrics by Isis

Enough said read what others have said...

Cover art for False Light lyrics by Isis

This song is Ill. Downright vicious with that sick riffing Turner starts in on.

Cover art for False Light lyrics by Isis

the whole album is about dissolving in something that is greater than the individuum; i think it is the perfect acoustical conversion of drawning. hard parts in which the individuum struggles against those forces that are stronger then him; quiet parts like you give in and accept your fate. great band, great album (oceanic).