5 Meanings
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Anonymous Collective Lyrics

You and me are moulded by things
Well beyond our acknowlegment
We are molded by things beyond
You and me are shaped by some things
Well beyond our acknowledgement
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5 Meanings

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Cover art for Anonymous Collective lyrics by Stereolab

It's easy to see how Stereolab got tagged as communists from the lyrics on Emperor Tomato Ketchup. This is the general Marxist view, that historical forces are more prominent than individuals in dertmining what happens. I tend to agree.

Cover art for Anonymous Collective lyrics by Stereolab

There's no way this song isn't about higher forces of creation (although of course not a monotheistic God or anything like that)

Cover art for Anonymous Collective lyrics by Stereolab

@DevastatorJr. I'm glad you see the Marxism here. I tend to think of the 'things' that are doing the shaping are cosmological forces which we have no fucking clue what kind of a deterministic universe we might be living in.

Cover art for Anonymous Collective lyrics by Stereolab

I felt like this song was about the unknown forces we have in government (like the ones who really control things rather than the public figures) and how we can be so unaware of it all, since only a few at the top can look down and see the whole picture, the path we are all on due to these powerful, hidden people behind the scenes who control what sort of society/environment/system we live in. But I like the ambiguity of the lyrics. Like other people have mentioned, it could also be about determinism/cosmological forces

Cover art for Anonymous Collective lyrics by Stereolab

this is where animal collective got their name