And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you
But I have to charge
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you
But I have to charge
The thing that makes me
What the guys go crazy for
They lose their minds
The way I whine
I think it's time
Warm it up
The boys are waiting
Warm it up
The boys are waiting
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you but I have to charge
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you but I have to charge
You want me to teach thee
Techniques that freaks these boys
It can't be bought
Just know things get caught
Watch if you're smart
Warm it up
The boys are waiting
Warm it up
The boys are waiting
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you but I have to charge
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you but I have to charge
Everyone will look this way, so
You must maintain your charm
same time maintain your halo
Just get the perfect blend
Plus what you have within
Then next his eys are squint
Then he's picked up your scent
Warm it up
The boys are waiting
Warm it up
The boys are waiting
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you but I have to charge
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you but I have to charge

Taken on a literal sense, this song generally means a woman who is "yummy", like a milkshake, it taste good and brings you pleasure when you are enjoying it. On a more context level, it could mean that milkshake is using the body to tease the boys and they like it, so she flaunts it.
What I personally think is the true meaning of the song (Coming from a woman's perspective) Is the combination of the two.
Basically,a woman who has high sex appeal, does not mean that she does sexual favors for the trashy attention. It just means that she has confidence in herself, which in turn makes her whole image look tasty. Its almost like an art of seduction, and the confident woman knows how to attract attention, without even trying. She flaunts her body, but because its sexy and shes proud of it because she has enough confidence in herself. People in general are attracted to confidence, and this makes them sexy and like a milkshake, you want some-- and for the woman who do not possess confidence , which makes them have less sex appeal, they get envious of the woman who is attracting the attention because woman in general like attention , and the lyrics are stating how "I can teach you, but I have to charge," yet contradicts when it states it cannot be brought. What she has within is worth more then the sex appeal itself.
Unlike strippers and prostitutes that get payed, this is a clear distinction that it is not about sex for money , but its about a woman's natural abilities which she has mastered, and learned how to use,in order for her to have charisma in the room, which has all eyes looking-- and woman hate her for it cause they don't have what she has .
When the boys say "there like, its better then yours" it should be on the same line, because its stating to the envious woman, that yeah, the guys think I am more delicious and desirable .
@ProfBlueAcosta317 Not saying that you are way off, but twice you goofed the lyrics. She doesn't say... it cannot be brought... It's "bought". In your last paragraph you replaced "they're like" to "there like". This completely changes the meaning. There like could be replaced by "so". As opposed to They're like, or They ARE like. as in "They say it's better than yours". Aside from that your interp. seems to match Kelis'.
@ProfBlueAcosta317 Not saying that you are way off, but twice you goofed the lyrics. She doesn't say... it cannot be brought... It's "bought". In your last paragraph you replaced "they're like" to "there like". This completely changes the meaning. There like could be replaced by "so". As opposed to They're like, or They ARE like. as in "They say it's better than yours". Aside from that your interp. seems to match Kelis'.

my pokemon brings all the boys to the yard and they're like, let's trade cards damn right, but not charizard i can trade you this energy card
i'm guessing this was the clean edit.
i'm guessing this was the clean edit.
Haha thats hilarious :]
Haha thats hilarious :]
hahahahahaha im lafin my butt off
hahahahahaha im lafin my butt off

my magic brings voldemort to the yard and im like, thats hurting my scar
That made me laugh, thanks :P
That made me laugh, thanks :P

my whipped ice dairy drink brings the attention of many males to my place of residence and/or employment and they declare that its quality far surpasses that of yours. absolutely it far surpasses yours i could convey to you the recipe but i would have to demand compensation
@Stroodle2134 I myself would be unable to state that in a superior fashion.
@Stroodle2134 I myself would be unable to state that in a superior fashion.

Uuuuuuhh.....well.....she can say it's about whatever she wants but my god it sounds dodgy!

i read an article that analyzed that song and concluded that Kelis lives in a strange fantasy world where she just stands in her front yard and shakes her breasts all day.
I laughed. Out loud.
I laughed. Out loud.

I heard some guy do a cover of it once (I forget who) and it makes much more sense when a guy's talking about his milkshake bringing all the boys to the yard.
Is it wrong that now I really want a milkshake?

If youve seen the Video clip she makes it pretty obvious its her boobs lol..
Not the most inspiring song, but its got a semi cool beat...

Maybe I'm taking it too literally, but I think she may be talking about an actual milkshake that just tastes really effin good. Like the same way that in the summertime the ice cream guy comes around and all the boys chase after it, because he's delivering the everlasting promise of satiety in chocolaty form.

A "Milkshake" is a girl's sensual energy - what makes her stand out from the other girls. Taken more literally, it is about a girl who dances seductively and attracts the attention of boys in the club. Her "milkshake" is the way she shakes her boobs (the source of mother's milk). It can also be taken to mean oral sex. Milkshake, after all, has been slang for “breasts” since the 1910s, evoking the anatomy and physiology of the organs. At first, when the song was initially released in 2003, she said that milkshake is something sensual that makes a woman stand out, even suggesting breasts or butt. Bringing the "boys to the yard" could be about attracting boys like a dog in heat.